How to Improve Eyesight through Relaxation | seeingmyeyes

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The video above gives further information on Dry eye disease, it’s a little of 3 minutes, well worth watching.

The eyes are full of tiny muscles whose main job is to change the shape of the eyes as they focus and move up, down, and from side to side. As with any muscle in the body, without proper exercise and training, these muscles weaken as we age.
Most people are forced into artificial lenses to improve eye sight because the muscles have become too weak to fulfill their function.

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The lens of the eye hardens with age, forcing the muscles to work harder. However, the eye muscles can be trained to work no matter how hard the lens becomes. It is the set of tiny muscles around the eyes that control the shape of the eyeballs.

Once you learn how to exercise and train these muscles it is easy to put them to good use and avoid the need for compensating eye wear.

Many eye problems are due to mental strain and excess stress on the eyes. Learning how to relax the eye and improve eyesight and its muscles can delay the need artificial lenses, sometimes permanently.

Relaxing your eyes may sound a difficult thing to do but it is much easier than you think. Without realising, we cause our eyes unneeded strain by looking at things that annoy or irritate us. Instead, take some time out to focus on pleasant things. For instance, put photographs of things and people that bring joy and happiness to you on your desk at work. Take a few moments every now and then, when you are feeling especially frustrated or stressed, and concentrate on relaxing and calming thoughts.

Practice relaxation of the eyes at night while lying in bed. In the darkness, close your eyes and cover them with a sheet or blanket. Let your mind think about pleasant things such as people, places, and things that bring you joy. Thinking pleasant thoughts helps relax the eyes and makes them softer – the softer the eyes the more easily they fit into their sockets. When the eyes are relaxed, they don’t stare or strain and the more they are relaxed the better the eye sight will be.

Practice relaxation techniques until it becomes a natural part of your life, which will help to improve eye sight . Use time out during the day, and at night, to rest your eyes. Try and do this for 10-15 minutes each time and, after awhile, you will find your energy increases and you are more able focus on other things.

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