Ways to Improve Vision Naturally | BJIJ | Beauty and Health Journal

Want to get rid of eyesight glasses that grab away your beauty all at once? Dreaming to have improved eyesight without investing too much money? Luckily, you can improve your vision naturally….

There would be scarcely a person who does not dream to improve his or her vision. Most people have vision problems because of environmental pollution, overuse of computers, and watching too much television. Top 5 Ways to Improve Vision NaturallySo everyone is in search of ways to improve vision naturally. Instead of buying glasses every month and seeking assistance of a medical professional every other day, It’s better to use natural ways to enhance your eye vision. However, if you have bad eyesight, it’s always better to consult a vision expert before trying any natural remedies or medications.

Here are some useful ways to improve your vision naturally:

Eat a Well Balanced Diet

One of the best ways to improve your vision naturally is to eat a balanced and nutrient rich diet.Eyesight Diet Most people suffer from bad eyesight, because they don’t take enough vitamins and minerals via their diet. According to research studies, your diet strongly affects your vision. If you eat poor and unhealthy diet, you are likely to suffer from bad vision. Vitamins, such as vitamin A, C, and E are essential for keeping your vision in order. Milk is especially a perfect food for good eye vision. Fruits and vegetables, such as apples, blueberries, carrots, and oranges are great for improving eye vision. You should also include nuts and almonds to your diet.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is also very good for eyesight. If you notice blurred eyesight, increase the intake of water per day. Blurred eyesight can be due to dehydration, so drink plenty of water and have improved vision naturally. Drinking plenty of water not only improves vision, but it also improves health of the body.

Eye Exercises

Eyes are composed of muscles just like the body, so they respond to exercise in the same manner the body does. Get Rid of GlassesSo eye exercises can help enhance eyesight. There are a variety of eye vision improving exercises that work by strengthening eye muscles. However, it’s better to consult a vision specialist before starting any eye exercises. One of the best eye relaxing exercise is palming, which can be done by placing your palms on your eyes for five minutes and laying in a dark room.

Get Sunlight

Sunlight is rich in vitamin D. So it’s important have a small amount of sunlight sometimes. Though most people want to stay away from the sun, but it is a fact that human body needs sunlight.

So try these simple tips and have superb eye vision naturally. However, if you have severe eyesight problem, don’t forget to visit a vision expert before starting vision exercises!

Tabinda is a devoted writer and Editor of BJIJ.com who enjoys writing about health and beauty topics. She’s had much experience writing in both fields, and has written for different websites. She’s an excellent freelance writer who values diligence and hard work.

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Eat Healthy – Improve Your Eyesight | Jenine Lillian

improve-eyesightHealth and fitness are determined by what you eat. Coming in a close second is how much you exercise and train. What you eat is thus of extreme importance if you want to become healthy and benefit from all the pros of being fit. In this article we will concentrate on foods that affect the body, and more specifically an often neglected and overlooked aspect of health, your eyesight.

Foods that improve eyesight

A common remedy for improving eyesight is the carrot. Everyone’s heard the time-old tale of mothers telling their children to finish their carrots, because carrots are good for your eyes. Now, carrots have been known to work wonders on the eyes, but the reason is not just limited to the humble carrot.

A form of Vitamin A called retinol, or retinyl palmitate, can be found in certain vegetables, as well as yellow and orange fruits. Retinyl, when attached to a certain protein, is the primary light absorber in the human eye, located in the retina of the eye. So by eating carrots, and other fruits and vegetables containing retinol, on a daily basis, you will help maintain your eye’s light absorbing function, thus maintaining your ability to see clearly.

Foods that damage eyesight

Unfortunately, there are few products in the common kitchen that will directly damage your eyesight. Recent research on the topic, however, shows an increased risk in eating excessive amounts of Asian fast food and takeout.

A substance called monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG and generally used to flavor processed Asian foods, has been proven to cause damage to the retina of the eye. In 2002, researchers at the Hirosaki University in Japan were able to successfully prove that MSG binds to molecules on cells in the retina, not only destroying them, but also ultimately causing reduced transmitting abilities of electrical signals by the remaining cells.

So remember, always add vegetables and fruits to your daily diet. Secondly, visit your optometrist regularly to get your eyes checked. And thirdly, try not to eat too much Chinese takeout!

Enhanced Vision Support – All Natural Herbal Eye Supplement for …

Cetrolabs improved support this vision of our blend of antioxidants and essential nutrients, which were revealed to support your vision and protect the tissue from which it must be our eyes. We added an incredible amount of lutein, bilberry and N-acetyl-L-cysteine, our new and improved formula. Some of the most important nutrients for eye health are today. The carotenoids lutein and bilberry are powerful naturally resulted in more highly concentrated in the macula of the retina and the lens. We have our Lutein 20 mg formulation, which triple the amount found in many multivitamin updated plans head. Also N-acetyl-L-cysteine, this part is often ignored and most multivitamins only in small quantities over the other eye. In this simple, easy to swallow capsules for the most powerful protection against the damage that occurs with exposure to harmful UV rays can be found. Because these nutrients can not be produced by our bodies, we must consume foods that are rich in itself. Foods like spinach, kale and other green leafy vegetables are for this purpose. But in our American diet often eat green foods is not enough of this essential. Thus, integration is an important aspect for people of all ages. Our formula contains a powerful blend of high blueberries rich in anthocyanins, purple protective antioxidants that keep our night vision capability below levels known as healthy helping rich. We combine our grape seed extract to support healthy blood flow to the eye, as well as vitamin Our formula. Take one or two capsules per day can help support the lens, retina, macula and other delicate fabrics to allow the best visibility.

How Do Video Games Affect Your Vision? | Rebuild Your Vision

How Do Video Games Affect Your Vision?In the past when kids were not in school, was time largely spent roaming the outdoors, playing games with friends and exploring the surrounding area.

Likewise, adults spent a large amount of their leisure time enjoying the outdoors, having barbecues, taking hikes, or pursuing home improvement projects.

Times have changed, however, and an increasing number of people of all ages are using their free time for digital entertainment.

This new world of computer screens and high-definition televisions force our eyes to overcome different challenges than the great outdoors, and with these new challenges comes new hazards and damage to our eyesight, as well as some surprising benefits.

Video games, as a pastime, have existed for just over 30 years, and their popularity increases every year. The current crop of home video game consoles have sold over 100 million units in North America alone, an unprecedented level of marketplace saturation for the video game industry.

So what effects can this increasingly popular hobby have on the eyesight of its devotees? The answer may surprise you.

Vision Dangers

Most video games require lengthy involvement to finish any particular game, forcing the player to stay focused on the screen during their playtime.

This can lead to the same issues caused by long-term television watching, including headaches, blurred vision, and even nearsightedness if frequent breaks aren’t taken to relax your eyes.

Prolonged bouts of video gaming can also cause symptoms very similar to Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS. Computer Vision Syndrome, as the name suggests, is caused by staring at a computer screen for an extended period of time without any significant breaks.

CVS, and the similar symptoms related to video games, can include blurry vision, eye irritation and light sensitivity, not to mention neck and shoulder pain.

These problems, except for the neck and shoulder pain, are caused by the way computers and televisions draw images on their screens using pixels. The neck and shoulder pain is caused by improper positioning of the computer monitor or television.

Protecting Your Vision

All of the dangers posed to your vision are easily addressed. Here’s a simple list of steps you can take to minimize the impact video games have on your eyesight:

  1. Make certain to position yourself properly. When playing a video game on a television, the player should be six to 10 feet from the screen. If using a computer, the very top of the monitor should be roughly at eye level.
  2. Take frequent breaks. Most vision specialists recommend taking a break every 20 to 30 minutes. During this break, look off into the distance to allow your eyes time to rest. Don’t force your eyes to focus on specific details of distant objects, just give them a rest as you take in the scene as a whole. Some optometrists also suggest looking at a distant object every five minutes, for a few seconds at a time, throughout your work day or intense video game session.
  3. Reduce glare. Glares from other light sources or windows can force your eyes to work harder than they need to. Turn your television or monitor until no glare is visible to reduce the risk of eye strain.

Aside from the preventative measures listed above, it should be noted that proper nutrition is also important for maintaining healthy vision. Here’s a short list of a few of the nutrients important for maintaining healthy eyesight:

  • Vitamin A: This is the big one. Vitamin A helps the retina function properly, and research has shown that it could also help reduce the effects of age-related vision problems. Carrots, and other yellow, orange, or red vegetables, are excellent sources of this nutrient.
  • Lutein: this substance is found naturally in the retina, and can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Lutein can also be found in yellow, orange, and red vegetables.
  • Selenium: Selenium helps your body absorb other nutrients and vitamins. The best places to find Selenium is in walnuts and seafood.

These aren’t the only important nutrients for vision maintenance, and the full list can seem quite daunting.

That’s why it’s recommended to take a multivitamin supplement, to make certain your eyes are getting the help they need. We do offer our own special blend of nutrients in the Rebuild Your Vision Ocu-Plus Formula, but so long as it has all of the necessary vitamins and minerals, any supplement can help. Make sure to do your research before buying.

Video Game Benefits

All of this discussion about the hazards of digital entertainment might lead some readers to believe that video games are all risk, no reward, and this is far from the case. Video games can help both children and adults improve in several important areas.

Hand-eye-coordination is an obvious one, but visual attention is less so. Visual attention, for those unfamiliar with the term, is the ability to focus on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things.

Playing action-oriented video games can give visual attention a boost, along with visual reaction time and visual ground discrimination.

Action games also improve a skill that traditionally deteriorates with age. Known as contrast sensitivity function, this ability allows people to differentiate between shades of colors displayed with a uniform background.

This ability is vital for reading, as well as driving at night, and it’s one of the first to fade with age.

It’s important to note, most of these benefits come from playing action-oriented video games only.

A study was performed comparing action games to a popular life-simulation title, and only the action games provided discernible benefits to the abilities listed above.

So, parents can breathe a sigh of relief. With healthy gaming habits, kids aren’t ruining their eyesight by playing video games, and both kids and adults can enjoy exciting benefits from their gaming.

Just make sure to take those breaks, eat the right foods or take a multivitamin, and, of course, go outside from time to time!

How To Improve Eyesight – Eyesight Home Remedies For A Better …

Considered as the first-rate reason of eye deterioration are heat and weakness of brain in one or more portion of the brain. If suppressed by wrong treatment, the morbid matter eliminating via common cold also adversely effects the eyes.

However, the main causes of weak eyesight include continuous and closely watching TV or functioning in face of a computer or working laptop for a protracted stage lacking break, reading in a robust light or unsuitable distance, digestive disorder, unbalanced nutrition and living habits, loss of vitamins in food and poor diet. For some people in maturity, excessive consumption of alcohol and stress also are liable for weakness of eyes as well as create eyesight harms.

In this article, we hope to figure out some very useful home remedies and treatment on how to improve eyesight that works for you.

how to improve eyesight safely

How To Improve Eyesight – Eyesight Treatment

1. Clockwise and anti clockwise rotation of neck and shoulders at least 10 times each. Here it is going to remember that the pressure on your muscles is generally changed.

2. Do all the following eye exercises: Left and right movement of your eye balls, upward and downward movement of your eye balls and then clockwise and anti clockwise movement of your eye balls repeatedly ten times at a time and even several other times in the afternoon.

4. Closing of the eyes via covering them with both the palms is called palming. Palming is very helpful in making your eyes stress free. You even should practice this several times in the afternoon.

How To Improve Eyesight – Home Remedies for Eyesight

1. You should tightly close both your eyes by shutting your lids firmly, then open them suddenly and you will feel the stretch. Also you open arch your brows and stretch your face. You should repeat this several times per afternoon.

2. In addition, you can rotate your eyes in each of the directions. Then slowly and steadily focus one of your eyes at a time. You should do this exercise more than ten times and also take a look at doing this together with your eyes shut.

3. You can look down so far as possible and exhale then look so far as possible and inhale, also blink your eyes greater than ten times. Then turning on your left and right to do the similar procedure then diagonally as much as right and right down to left as much as right down to right followed by rapid blinking.

4. Might be stated as a revised version of the ancient yoga tradition known as Hatha Yoga, palming relieves the strain and stress out of your mind and eyes which really need the desired break.

You must warm your hands to do this by vigorously rubbing them together. Once this warm cover the attention without touching your eyelids, this can help relax your nerves and helps in your blood circulation.

home-remedies for eyesight

For More Useful Advice

You can also check out a review guiding on how to improve eyesight naturally with a new proven program named as Natural Clear Vision. This is an helpful product that can help users restore their natural 20/20 vision without surgery. The program provides users a simple but powerful technique that supports them in getting natural clear vision, and also addresses most of the issues of the eyes that are dyslexia, eye – strain, glaucoma, cataract, poor night vision, and astigmatism, and much more. With Natural Clear Vision, all these issues of your eyes are cured quickly with 100 % natural ways.)

Our website provides many useful reviews and writings that contain proven methods about eyes care and method to improve eyesight naturally. People can check out Vision Without Glasses and Eye Floaters Cure to get more knowledge for by caring eyes.