Fuzzy future | Science News for Kids

By Nathan Seppa / May 22, 2013

Caption: Many scientists today are finding that too much time spent indoors — at least during childhood — may affect vision, making it hard to see distant objects clearly. Doctors refer to this nearsightedness as myopia. Studies have found that kids who regularly spend time on computers have an increased risk of being diagnosed with myopia. Credit: iStockphoto

Caption: Many scientists today are finding that too much time spent indoors — at least during childhood — may affect vision, making it hard to see distant objects clearly. Doctors refer to this nearsightedness as myopia. Studies have found that kids who regularly spend time on computers have an increased risk of being diagnosed with myopia. Credit: iStockphoto

Rogers Hornsby was the Derek Jeter of the 1920s. Actually, Hornsby could hit a baseball better than Jeter — he just wasn’t as popular. Teammates complained that Hornsby didn’t like to hang out with them. He didn’t go to see movies, which was surprising because 90 years ago that was primo entertainment. Hornsby said that sitting in a dark theater watching a bright screen made it difficult to hit a baseball. Hard to argue with a guy who reportedly had terrific eyesight and who batted over .400 in three seasons.

As it turns out, Hornsby might have been onto something. Many scientists today are finding that too much time spent indoors — at least during childhood — may affect vision, making it hard to see distant objects clearly. Doctors refer to this nearsightedness as myopia.

In recent decades, more and more people have found they need glasses or contact lenses to correct for nearsightedness. Rates are rising especially fast in children.

Today, 1 in 3 U.S. adults is nearsighted. The rate is slightly higher among the younger adults. And in East Asia, the trend is downright alarming. More than 95 percent of young men in Seoul, South Korea, and college students of both genders in Shanghai, China, are nearsighted, new studies show. That’s 19 out of every 20 individuals!

Many researchers were stunned when they first saw these rates. And they were just as surprised to hear some scientists blame the problem on spending too much time indoors. The notion that recess might promote better vision seemed almost magical.

In recent decades, rates of myopia are rising especially fast in children. “We need to get the message out to parents,” says William Stell of the University of Calgary, in Canada. “Kick the kids outside.” Credit: iStockphoto

In recent decades, rates of myopia are rising especially fast in children. “We need to get the message out to parents,” says William Stell of the University of Calgary, in Canada. “Kick the kids outside.” Credit: iStockphoto

“Certainly, before five years ago, I don’t think anybody had taken much notice of how much time people spent outdoors,” says Jeremy Guggenheim. This optometrist has studied nearsightedness in Great Britain and Hong Kong. (An optometrist is trained and licensed to examine eyes for defects and to prescribe treatment or corrective lenses.)

Guggenheim says it is not yet clear by how much outdoor exposure can lower a person’s risk — or even how it would do so. Some scientists say it could be a mix of three things: exposure to natural light, resting the eyes by viewing things far off, or reduced visual clutter in the corner of the eyes.

Other behaviors might matter, too. The flood of nearsightedness today is showing up in a generation of children and college kids raised on computers and video games. Especially in the Far East, many children do lots and lots of schoolwork. A theory that too much reading or other “near work” fosters nearsighted vision has given rise to a term for today’s youth of “Generation Specs.” (Specs is short for spectacles, an old-fashioned term for eyeglasses.)

Without doubt, the cause of this increasing myopia remains fuzzy. But in the city of Guangzhou, China, an experiment is under way. There, some third-graders have been assigned to spend an extra hour outdoors every day. Although it sounds like more recess, scientists are already finding that these children have slightly better vision.

Squint city!

The human eye is a fine-tuned gizmo and it doesn’t take much to mess it up. Nearsighted people have a slightly elongated eyeball. Its being a tiny bit more egg-shaped than normal causes trouble. Elongated eyes can still focus clearly on nearby objects, but more images come to a focus at the wrong place within the eye. They focus slightly in front of the retina, which is at the back of the eye (see diagram). This sends the brain a blurry picture of anything but close-up objects — unless the viewer wears eyeglasses or contact lenses to refocus the images.

So what distorts the eyeball and causes this loss of focus?

Scientific evidence suggests the problem starts early because the eye grows steadily in childhood. That growth is fastest in infancy. But the eyeball continues to grow some into the teen years. Our genes, which carry the built-in instructions for every cell in the body, regulate much of that growth. But proper development of the eyes also depends heavily on what scientists call visual feedback. That’s the everyday effect of incoming light.

Scientists are now convinced that something about this visual feedback has changed in recent decades. And those changes appear to be driving an epidemic of nearsightedness among teens and young adults.

In someone with 20/20 vision, the lens focuses images neatly on the retina. Both near and far objects are clear. But in people with myopia, the eye is elongated, so distant images converge somewhere in front of the retina. These images appear blurry. Credit: E. Feliciano

In someone with 20/20 vision, the lens focuses images neatly on the retina. Both near and far objects are clear. But in people with myopia, the eye is elongated, so distant images converge somewhere in front of the retina. These images appear blurry.
Credit: E. Feliciano

The share of nearsighted people over age 40 in China and the United States hasn’t changed much in the past few decades. It remains about 23 percent. That’s a lot less than the rate now seen in young adults of both nations.

What’s more, the growing trend in nearsightedness seems concentrated in people living in urban areas, such as cities and their suburbs. Rates in rural areas remain unchanged. That suggests the problem must trace to some new behaviors among young people in cities.

What’s the big deal?

Because most people have access to eyeglasses, nearsightedness may seem like just an inconvenience. But it could actually lead to serious health problems.

People who need strong corrective lenses run the risk of having worse vision when they get older. They face a heightened risk of getting cloudy vision (caused by what doctors call cataracts), elevated pressure in the eye (known as glaucoma) or potentially blinding damage to the eye (due to a detached retina). Among nearsighted college-age people in Seoul and Shanghai, roughly 1 in 5 are at risk of these other problems.

“There will be an epidemic of pathological myopia and associated blindness in the next few decades in Asia,” predicts Seang-Mei Saw. By “pathological,” she means unhealthy. Saw is a physician and epidemiologist at the National University of Singapore. (Like detectives, epidemiologists figure out what causes a particular health problem — and potentially how to slow its spread.)

Rising nearsightedness rates in recent decades prompted scientists to hunt for its cause. That brought the link between myopia and outdoor exposure into sharp focus.

In 2007, Donald Mutti, an optometrist at Ohio State University in Columbus, identified 514 children who were not nearsighted in the third grade. Over the next several years, 1 in 5 would go on to develop myopia. His team surveyed all the kids to see how they spent their time, indoors and out. The scientists found that kids who had spent more time outdoors doing physical activity were less likely to become nearsighted than were children who spent more time indoors. This trend held up even among children whose parents had been nearsighted.

A few decades ago, many researchers assumed myopia was mainly inherited from parents. After all, having one nearsighted parent adds some risk of needing glasses, and having two imparts more.

But genes passed on from parents don’t seem to explain the recent skyrocketing rate of nearsightedness.

Studies suggest that rates of nearsightedness differ in ethnically related populations living in rural versus urban areas (data from country to country may not be comparable). City living appears to have a detrimental effect on eye development. Credit: I. Morgan and K. Rose/Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005

Studies suggest that rates of nearsightedness differ in ethnically related populations living in rural versus urban areas (data from country to country may not be comparable). City living appears to have a detrimental effect on eye development. Credit: I. Morgan and K. Rose/Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 2005

Studies in 2010 and 2012 identified many unusual forms of genes that showed up more often in nearsighted people than in people with 20/20 vision. But Guggenheim says, “These are subtle genetic effects that explain only a small proportion of myopia.”

The new wave isn’t genetic, concludes Ian Morgan of the Australian National University in Canberra. “The gene pool can’t change that much in a generation, not even in several,” he says. “We’ve now got a very convincing new factor, and that’s time spent outdoors.”

In 2008, Morgan and Kathryn Rose of the University of Sydney, in Australia, linked nearsightedness to low outdoor exposure — in pre-teens. The Australians noted that playing indoor sports didn’t seem to affect myopia rates. Neither did reading nor performing other types of near work. What did make a difference: simply getting outside for hours each day.

Data from a new study adds more support for this idea. In Taiwan, an island country in Asia, researchers conducted a test on children in two elementary schools. In one, the kids were told to do whatever they wanted during recess. They could stay inside or go out. In the second school, all children were actively encouraged to spend every recess period outside.

About half of the children in each school had been nearsighted at the start of the year-long trial. By the end, an additional 18 percent of the kids in the school where students weren’t nudged to go outside had also become nearsighted. Among the kids who played outside every recess, only 8 percent more became nearsighted. The researchers in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, reported their finding in the May issue of Ophthalmology.

Infinity and beyond

Although nearsightedness has been treated — with eyeglasses — for hundreds of years, scientists still don’t completely understand what causes it. But some chemistry research supports the outdoor-light explanation.

Studies in animals show that bright light is a good thing because it triggers the release of a compound called dopamine in the retina. Dopamine is a signaling molecule. In the eye, it serves to limit inappropriate eye growth that can make the eye egg-shaped.

And the difference between light exposures indoors and outdoors isn’t even close. A sunny day delivers 32,000 to 130,000 lux, a measure of light intensity. But lighting inside the average house scores at less than 1,000 lux. A March 2012 study by the U.S. Department of Energy showed that the average lighting in rooms where people were watching TV was far lower — 50 lux or less in 8 out of every 10 rooms measured, and under 13 lux for one-third of the rooms.

Indoor lighting simply may not provide enough light to restrain inappropriate eye growth.

The eye is also in a more relaxed position outdoors, says Andy Fischer. He’s a biologist at Ohio State University who studies the retina. That eye relaxation may shut off growth signals, too, he says.

And compared with indoor viewing, outdoor exposures provide a different set of peripheral images, those seen out of the corner of the eye. And even peripheral images can be in or out of focus. Indoors, there’s a mix of focused and unfocused images coming from the periphery, as any glance around a kid’s bedroom will show, says Frank Schaeffel of Tubingen University in Germany. There are cabinets, a door farther away, a computer screen up close, you name it.

Being outdoors offers a field of vision that’s more uniform. It’s one that’s also more like our prehistoric ancestors’ view of the world. Throughout evolution, Fischer says, humans spent almost all their time outdoors. As a result, our eyes evolved to suit that environment. New behaviors — like living in an industrialized society and spending more time in classrooms — place unnatural demands on the eyes. These indoor behaviors may not mesh well with humans’ ancient genetic programming, he says.

Same with near work. Our Stone Age ancestors didn’t read. Even those who chipped arrow points or did other fine work probably didn’t do it all day, every day. Constant near work arrived only with civilization.

Recent work by Saw at the National University of Singapore and others has linked less outdoor exposure and more near work to nearsightedness. “Reading, writing and computer work contribute to myopia,” Saw says. “We found that children who regularly spend time on computers have a higher risk.”

So nearsightedness might be fostered by a combination of too much near work and too little outdoor exposure. After all, someone who reads a lot probably does it indoors; same with watching television or sitting at a computer.

Saturation point

Some scientists have seen enough. “We need to get the message out to parents,” says William Stell of the University of Calgary, in Canada. “Kick the kids outside.”

Ian Morgan agrees, but says it won’t be easy in some places. In Chinese schools, for example, children nap indoors for an hour or two at lunchtime. The idea is to let them rest up so that they can plow through hours of homework later.

Recent work suggests outdoor exposure reduces the risk of nearsightedness, but scientists haven’t yet identified why. Boosted sunlight, a broad field of view and a uniform periphery might be among the factors at play. Credit: tirc83/Istockphoto

Recent work suggests outdoor exposure reduces the risk of nearsightedness, but scientists haven’t yet identified why. Boosted sunlight, a broad field of view and a uniform periphery might be among the factors at play. Credit: tirc83/Istockphoto

And it might be hard to change this routine, he says. “When I floated the idea of stopping naps at lunchtime in China, the response was almost like I was advocating child cruelty,” Morgan says. Kids in North America and Europe may work hard, he says, “but you ain’t seen nothing until you’ve seen China.”

Even so, getting children outdoors might be easier than cutting back on near work, Saw says. The Asian educational system has reached a “saturation point” of intensity and competition, she says, but no one wants to tell children to read or work less.

In the United States, eye doctors are becoming aware of the outdoor-exposure theory. But many don’t see a child until after the kid has failed an eye exam at school, says psychologist Jane Gwiazda of the New England College of Optometry. That may be too late. “Once a child is nearsighted,” she says, “sending them outdoors to play may not stop the process.”

Short of getting out, maybe gazing out would help. It didn’t seem to hurt baseball player Hornsby. Asked once what he did all winter during the off-season, he snapped: “I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”

Power Words

20/20 vision This is the clarity of focus for images 20 feet away that are typical for people with healthy, unimpaired vision. Someone who instead has 20/100 vision sees only as well at 20 feet as people with normal vision would see at 100 feet, or five times farther away.

cataract A vision impairment caused by a cloudiness in a membrane that covers the lense of the eye. Uncorrected, it can lead to blindness.

epidemiologist Like health detectives, these researchers figure out what causes a particular illness and how to limit its spread.

glaucoma Eye disease that is the equivalent of hypertension: the pressure exerted by fluid inside the eye becomes excessively high. That pressure can damage the nerve carrying vision signals — and, if untreated, lead to partial or total blindness.

lux A measurement unit for the level of light.

myopia The medical term for nearsightedness.

nearsighted An inability to focus anything that isn’t nearby. It’s due to an elongation of the eyeball. Many factors can contribute to this inappropriate elongation, and so the cause of nearsightedness is still under debate.

neurobiologist Scientist who studies cells and functions of the brain and other parts of the nervous system.

optometrist In the United States, this is someone trained and licensed to examine eyes for defects and to prescribe treatment or corrective lenses. Although eye doctors, optometrists are not trained as physicians. Physicians who specialize in the eye are called ophthalmologists.

retina A layer at the back of the eyeball containing cells that are sensitive to light and that trigger nerve impulses that travel along the optic nerve to the brain, where a visual image is formed.

Word Find (click here to print puzzle)

Overnight OrthoKeratology – Good Vision Without Surgery Or Daily …

History of Ortho-K

Orthokeratology is known by numerous names and the technique has change greatly over the years. Various forms of Ortho-K have been practiced for about 40 years. The technique first involved using progressively flatter lenses to flatten the cornea causing the patient to become less nearsighted. This early method required months to show results and the patients had to wear their lenses during part of each day or wore them on alternating days.

Corneal Molding has evolved into a method where over 80% of patients achieve success with the first lens. Good results typically take less than a week. The process is accomplished while you sleep using a computer designed reverse geometry contact lens. The lenses, also known as vision retainers, are inserted at bedtime and removed in the morning. The lenses safely and gently reshape the cornea changing the eye’s focus. Most patients will have good vision throughout the day. Some patients may only need to wear their lenses on alternate nights to maintain good vision.

Preventing the Progression of Nearsightedness in Children

Numerous recent studies have shown that orthokeratology lenses can prevent the progression of myopia (nearsightedness) in children. Currently, a multi-center FDA sponsored study is in it’s second of five years and thus far the preliminary results are confirming the results of earlier studies.

How Does Orthokeratology Work

Orthokeratology is accomplished by using a specially designed contact lens called a reverse geometry lens that gently flattens the cornea by pushing the central epithelial layers that reside directly over the pupil towards the periphery. This movement of corneal cells causes the center of the cornea to be thinner thus moving the focus of light closer to the retina. Orthokeratology refocuses the light on the retina in the same way as LASIK and PRK.

FDA Certified Training Required of Eye Doctors to fit Overnight Orthokeratology Lenses

The traditional methods of fitting the reverse geometry lenses used in modern Ortho-K do not follow traditional contact lens fitting methods. Because of this difference the FDA restricts the use of these lenses to only those doctors that have been specially trained in their use. This is an additional requirement that has never been used for contact lenses, however, it is much like the requirement for the additional training required of physicians that use the excimer laser for LASIK and PRK.

This special provision has never been used for contact lenses, although it has been used for other ophthalmic devices such as excimer lasers for refractive surgery procedures.

Overnight Orthokeratology is FDA Approved

Only a handful of orthokeratology lenses have been approved for overnight orthokeratology. Most notably a series of lenses from Baush & Lomb that employ the Vision Shaping Treatment such as the DreamLens and the Paragon CRT Lens (Corneal Refractive Therapy) from Paragon Systems.

What are My Refractive Options

Expect your eye doctor to consult with you regarding the wide range of options that area available to you. He or she will help you focus on which option or options best fulfill your visual needs.


This is the most common, safest and simplest option and gives patients excellent, consistent vision. In addition, all contact lens wearers should have a pair of glasses that they can fall back on when they can’t or should not be wearing their contact lenses.

Traditional Contact Lenses

Traditional contact lenses provide a number of options with variable replacement schedules from soft contact lenses that are discarded daily, every two weeks or monthly. There are also contact lenses that can be safely worn overnight from 6 nights to as many as 30 consecutive nights. Studies have shown that contact lens wear even considering a lifetime of wear, is safer than refractive surgery. Both soft and gas permeable lenses can correct high amounts of nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness. Contact lenses can also correct presbyopia, allowing patients over 40 to see at both near and far without bifocal glasses or reading glasses.

Refractive surgery

Refractive surgery is a very popular option for reducing a patient’s dependency on glasses, however, not everyone is a candidate for refractive surgery. The most popular refractive procedure is LASIK or Laser ASsisted In situ Keratomileusis, however, PRK or Photo Refractive Keratectomy is still very popular. Non laser refractive surgeries such as a Clear or Refractive Lensectomy and Implantable Contact Lenses are also available, however they are not nearly as popular as LASIK and PRK. There are a number of reasons why a person may not be a candidate for LASIK or PRK.

Why Not Have LASIK

The most common contraindications to refractive surgery are large pupil size, thin corneas, occupation, refractive error, surgical expectations and age. In addition, some patients simply are not comfortable with having surgery on their eyes or are hesitant to undertake something such as LASIK or PRK that is permanent.

What Should I Expect

Patients interested in Ortho-K start with either an eye exam or an Ortho-K Screening. After a comprehensive eye exam, including an Ortho-K consultation, corneal topography is done. These are topographical maps of the cornea. Everyone’s corneal topography is different, much like our fingerprints.

Corneal topography shows us irregularities in the cornea and is essential to designing contact lenses that will mold your cornea. Corneal topography also allows us to diagnose corneal diseases such as keratoconus. Specular microscopy is also performed which allows us to see that the corneal cells are healthy.

The corneal topography data is then used with the refractive data to design a gas permeable contact lens that will flatten the cornea, resulting in clear vision.

When we receive your contact lenses we verify the lens order and call you to schedule a time to dispense you contacts and teach you how to insert, remove and care for them.

When you pick up the lenses your doctor will verify that they fit as expected and determine when you will be seen next.

Most patients wear their lenses at night, while sleeping, and remove them in the morning. Some patients wear them every night and some wear them every other night.

ฉ 2010 Dr. Richard A. Driscoll

Eye Power and Better Eye Sight | Zuup

Eye Power brings to mind some type of cybernetic tenderness that gives you super-human sight. While it isn’t anything of the type, it does promise to fix several people’s vision problems. Specifically, it uses ultrasonic technology to correct nearsightedness and physical myopia. All you need to do is to look intently into the equipment for 10 minutes. My guess is that you must need to do this on a regular basis in order to achieve the desired outcome.

Take good care of your eyes!

Take good care of your eyes!

This particular product is rather limited, which normally makes me a bit skeptical. While I have difficulty believing that it can live up to its statement, I can’t help but wonder about the potential outcome such an equipment would have on the general populace.

As per its Japanese distributor, this inexplicable gadget utilizes “ultrasonic technology” to settle partial blindness and nearsightedness for general blindness or nearsightedness. Simply associate the culpable sphere near your eyes for 10 minutes, and you can beyod doubt improve your eyesight.


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You should not use the information to diagnose or treatment guidance for any health problem or for prescription, medication, or any other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise, diet, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you feel you have a health problem. Product availability, pricing, and promotions are subject to change without notice. Zuup.com is not responsible for typographical errors or misprints.





Reference :

2012 Allaboutvision.com (Online) Available From :



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Girls Who Wear Glasses | Maine Crime Writers

Recently, our great niece celebrated her tenth birthday. She’s the only youngster in our small family, so we celebrated with cake and ice cream, a balloon that sang “Happy Birthday” when you punched it, and lots of presents for the birthday girl. Among the gifts she received were two pairs of faux glasses. She was thrilled.


My husband and I were left scratching our heads, even after my sister-in-law, the birthday-girl’s grandmother, explained that wearing glasses when you don’t need them is the latest fad at the local elementary school. Now, this being Maine, our fads run a little behind the rest of the country. A bit of research online didn’t turn up much on a current passion for fake glasses, but it did reveal that the idea of eyeglasses as a fashion accessory appears to have originated a few years back in Asia. Then assorted recognizable athletes started wearing frames with clear (or no) lenses. Oversized glasses with no lenses turn up in online images, and so do regular glasses with plain glass in them. There are lots of places to buy clear-lens glasses online, for as little as eight dollars. Some are called “fashion glasses” and even “fashion glasses for kids.” There are even a couple of videos on YouTube that turn up under that last topic. The selling point seems to be that the glasses call attention to the eyes and make the person wearing them look “more attractive,” “better,” and “more complete.”

How times have changed!

notice that most Christmas presents are books!

The term “nerd” and the accompanying image of a kid in glasses held together with adhesive tape dates from the 1950s. I don’t ever remember being called a nerd as a kid, although by the time I turned ten, in 1957, I was already wearing glasses to correct nearsightedness. This was most definitely not a fashion statement. The kids lucky enough to have 20/20 vision called those of us who were less fortunate “four eyes.” Another popular taunt was the sing-song chant that went “boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses.” By the time I was in tenth grade, peer pressure had me wearing contact lenses instead.

That said, I didn’t fully realize how pervasive the bias against wearing glasses must have been in those days until I started looking through old scrapbooks in search of a photo or two to add to this post. Out of all the pictures my father took of me as a kid, and he took a lot of them because he was an avid amateur photographer and had a full darkroom in our basement, I could only find two in which I’m wearing my glasses. Why? Because my mother was always right there, reminding me to take them off before he clicked the shutter.

I have no idea if this is significant or not, but I abandoned the contact lenses and went back to wearing glasses at the same time I got serious about a career as a writer. It wasn’t a matter of fashion. Far from it. I opted for less fuss and more comfort in a variety of other ways as well: I gave up wearing shoes whenever possible, in favor of socks or bare feet; and I traded in all my bras for nice soft, unrestrictive camisoles.