Nearsightedness and Farsightedness | Myopia and Hypermetropia …

myopia and hypermetropia

Nearsightedness |  Myopia

Nearsightedness as the name of the term itself suggests is an eye condition in which the person suffering from it can see images nearer to them clearly but will have trouble seeing images farther away.  Beyond a point, blurring of vision occurs, and they will be unable to see images farther away that clearly.  This can occur at a lower or higher intensity.  Glasses and contact lenses are used to enable a person with nearsightedness to see clearly.   The medical term for this condition is myopia.  It is also known as shortsightedness.  Due to nearsightedness, images at a distance are formed in front of the retina instead of at the retina because of too much curvature of the eye lenses or elongation of the eyeball.   Wearing prescription glasses and contact lenses with concave-shaped lenses having the required power is used to restore nearsighted vision to normal vision.

School-age children and teenagers can be at risk of developing nearsightedness if they are not giving their eyes enough rest and exercise.  This may develop due to straining of the eyes due to excessive reading or staring at the monitor for long hours without enough breaks.  Eye exercise and yoga can help mitigate or avert this condition.

Farsightedness | Hypermetropia

Farsightedness as the name itself suggests is an eye condition in which the person suffering from it can see images at a distance clearly but images nearer appear blurred.   From the name itself, we can see that it is the reverse of what occurs in nearsightedness.  The medical term for this condition is hypermetropia.  It is also known as long-sightedness.  Images which are very much nearer are formed behind the retina instead of at the retina in farsightedness.   This may occur much later in life if the ciliary muscles of the eye weaken resulting in decreased flexibility of the lenses and also may affect children.  Wearing prescription glasses with convex-shaped lenses having the required power can restore farsighted vision to normal vision.   A person with farsightedness will not be able to read or see images which are very close to them clearly.

For farsightedness, just like nearsightedness, eye exercise and yoga can help to mitigate symptoms.

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