Interested In FFSV Options For Anisometropic Amblyopic Patient With a High Cyl

Ok, hopefully this is enough info.

Old Rx (from 3 years ago, patient isn’t very good about coming for yearly exams):
OD: +3.75 -4.75 x 075
OS: -1.25 -0.75 x 118

New Rx:
OD: +3.50 -4.75 x 078
OS: -1.50 -0.75 x 115

BCVA: 20/25

Patient is male, 39, nominal medical history, reported to have worn glasses throughout childhood, but stopped wearing them from adolescence until mid-20’s where he apparently found he could longer compensate without them. History shows that he is a functional myope, records provided from previous OD show that OS sphere was plano as a teenager, OD sphere was +4.75. There is no record of problems with fusion. Patient basically used only his left eye after he stopped wearing corrective lenses due to amblyopic suppression. Binocular vision is reported as problematic and limited. Gross depth perception is acceptable, but fine depth perception appears to be non-existent beyond about 10 feet. Patient reports gross “depth from motion” (that’s what is written in the record, I’ve always called it dynamic depth perception) is acceptable, record indicates patient reported, “I can tell the difference between a ball coming at me that is thrown from 10 feet away or two feet away” but finer function is apparently almost non-existent “I couldn’t tell you, if a ball was coming at me, if it was 6 feet or 4 feet away from me at a given moment” patient also reports “I couldn’t catch a ball if my life depended on it. If someone throws something to me, I have a general idea where it is going to land, but that’s it. Also, if I throw something, I can gauge generally where it will land, but with absolutely no precision or accuracy” Patient reported inability to see anything in “hidden image/Magic Eye books” and has very limited ability to experience 3D movies and television and feels severe eyestrain when doing so.

Let me know if you need anything else, I should be able to provide it.

Quote Originally Posted by Robert Martellaro View Post
The exact Rx would be more helpful. Toss in the old Rx for good measure, and any other history that is pertinent, VAs, age, etc.

Consider contact lenses, with spectacle lenses over as needed.

Best regards,

Robert Martellaro

Record indicates that contact lenses with corrective lenses was discussed with patient, patient declined this option, indicating they had absolutely no interest in it.Learn more at