How do I know if LASIK Eye Surgery is not right for me? « Caster …

People who are tired of wearing glasses or the need to constantly change contact lenses can turn to another option for healthy eyes. LASIK eye surgery may be the best thing to happen to people struggling to maintain their eyesight. Most people develop issues with eyesight in their 40s and continue to get worse until 65. Lasik has the ability to correct vision for those who did not regain eye strength from prescriptions. What people do not realize is that Lasik may not be the answer to all their problems. Determine if Lasik is right for you.

LASIK vision correction is eye surgery that permanently alters the shape of the cornea that improves vision and reduces the individual’s need for prescription glasses or contacts. With the use of ultraviolet laser light to remove a layer from the eye’s surface allows the alteration of the cornea and changes its curve. From this the patient can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, depending on patient’s conditions.

Why LASIK may not be right for me?

A LASIK eye surgeon and his staff will determine if a patient is suitable for laser vision correction if they are ideal candidates. Dr. Caster will treat patients if he believes that the treatment will provide beneficial results for the ideal candidates. His commitment to achieve superior results with FDA approved lasers is his highest quality. Candidates may not be right for LASIK because:

  • They are perfectly happy wearing glasses or contact lenses

  • Patients are currently under 18 years old

  • Patients who do not have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism

  • Refraction is significantly changing

  • Patients may not achieve perfect correction (Perfection cannot be guaranteed)

  • Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding can experience changes in nearsightedness

  • Some careers may prohibit certain refractive procedures

  • Certain medications may cause fluctuations in vision

  • Participants in contact sports: boxing, wrestling, football, martial arts (Contact to the face and eyes cannot maintain surgery results)

If the patient has any doubt in their mind about the procedure, ask Dr. Caster for clarification. He makes decisions professionally and can suggest an alternative if it is more suitable for the patient’s conditions.

What are the benefits of LASIK surgery?

For improved vision people can turn to LASIK. This procedure is proven by the FDA as safe and effective. Careful screening and selection is made by Dr. Caster and his staff to treat patients with reasonable expectations. The advantages of LASIK include:

  • Its ability to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism

  • Quick and very little discomfort procedure

  • No bandages or stitches required

  • Laser is guided by computer which provides accuracy

  • A single treatment corrects most cases

  • 90 percent of patients achieve desired vision

  • Most patients no longer need corrective eyewear

These benefits can be made available to ideal patients in need of laser vision correction, and the most important perk of having the procedure at Caster Eye Center is the availability of affordable financing for patients. Visit the clinic to find out more about financing.

After LASIK surgery, healing takes into effect rapidly. Vision appears blurry initially on the first day, but many patients experience improved vision within the first few days.

The goal of LASIK is to achieve clearer, sharper vision and reduce the use of contacts and glasses. After the procedure the quality of vision is far superior to the use of corrective eyewear. Patients generally achieve less glare and the uncomfortable feeling of contacts are eliminated. Vision is no longer blocked as it would be from eyeglasses and there is no more stress of losing them, scratching the lenses or dirty water spots.

At Caster Eye Center, Dr. Caster will determine if LASIK is capable of providing you with beneficial results. The procedure is not necessary for those who love their glasses and contacts, but if you want to reduce or eliminate their use it is time to find out what LASIK can do for you.

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