Annette: -5.25 D Reduced To -1.75 Diopters


It’s been a very video-centric past couple of weeks.  Not only for the freeloader YouTubes, but also the most excellent BackTo20/20 paid member side of things has seen quite a few updates.  In the slow turning cycle that is dealing with all the things that make up endmyopia, a bit of this was quite well due.

And what always seems to get neglected, is the gains updates.

Obviously the best and most important part of endmyopia, being able to demonstrably show how very effective it is to apply sense and science and biology knowledge to the myopia problem.  There is not ONE destination anywhere else on earth, be it online or off, that has anything like our numbers of reducing diopter dependence.

Maybe it’s something in the water.  The holy guru mountain springs.  The Lourdes of eyeguru-dom.

Or maybe let’s just talk about Annette’s two recent Facebook gains updates:

Minor changes, really.

If only there was a way to make a cult around vision improvement.

A tropical island perhaps.  Or a misty mountain range.  A bunch of no-longer-myopic hippie types.  Communal kitchen.  Jake, with about 14 excessively cute girlfriends.

(Why do we not get mainstream attention?  It’s a mystery, really.)

Annette, unrelated to a guru’s ambition for dozens of Rolls Royces and FBI stand-offs, posted another encouraging update as well:

Nobody with -5.25 would enjoy that.

So much of this journey is taking back control over your life.

Not only the most obvious bit about questioning the myopia-illness dogma industry, but also finding time away from screens, actually finding reasons for distance vision, learning about basic biology, learning to trust yourself, keeping track of results, buying your own glasses, and the list goes on.  To get from a -5.25 down to a -1.75 you have to grow on some levels, find independence from authoritarian ideas about vision, go through a whole journey of skepticism, doubt, discovery, and eventually, victory and success.

This is why I like to make obscure jokes about cults and things.  Think transformative experiences, though in this case no actual guru finding ways to capitalize on your escape.

All for the best, really.  You wouldn’t want to see the sort of things your imaginarily bearded majesty is up to.

Go make some 20/20 gains!



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