Natural Perfect Vision Scam -If you would like to learn how to improve your eyesight quickly and safely

After more than 31 years as a certified optometrist, it took a major discovery to completely change my life and my practice as an optical doctor.

I discovered the work of Dr. William Bates and it profoundly shooked me to the core when I realized:

*Why glasses and contacts are almost guaranteed to destroy your eyesight over time… (and how you can reverse this effect naturally!)

*The undeniable reason why optometrists are so misinformed to Dr. Bates natural vision improvement… (No, it’s NOT a big conspiracy of self-interest or profit that most people think!)

*Dr. W.H. Bates hidden but obvious secret that speeds up eye recovery at more than 450% and massively improves Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight), macular degeneration, eyestrain, Glaucoma and more within 8 weeks of starting the program…

If you would like to learn how to improve your eyesight quickly and safely… without drugs, without risky surgery and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

You may wonder why your doctor or optometrist never told you about the natural alternatives to harmful glasses, contact lenses or expensive and dangerous laser surgery.

As a professional optometrist, I can assure you… it’s NOT some big greedy conspiracy in the optometry industry.

Almost every eye doctor truly believe THEY KNOW BEST…and quite frankly they ought to. But the downside is that it makes less room for consideration to better alternatives.

Listen, the discovery led to a complete breakdown of my current practice. It took me 30 years of research to reshape my entire perspective.

So it’s not your doctor’s fault and there is no use blaming them. More importantly, be glad that you’ve been fortunate enough to benefit from my years of research… and have the opportunity to discover the proven and reliable way to restore your natural vision abilities.

As you may already know, Lasik surgery is both expensive and a risky alternative. A complete eye surgery will cost more than $ 4000 and there is NO GUARANTEE that your vision will be restored.

As a matter of fact, there are medical reports of worsening conditions a few months after eye surgery.

Whats more, in 2008, the FDA actually officially stated that they would do a full re-evaluation of the safety of laser eye surgery, specifically due to the high amount of complaints it receives on the subject every month.


More How To Improve Vision Naturally Articles

Improve Vision Naturally – How the Bates Method of Improving Vision Can Help Children Learn Better

It has been clinically proven time and time again that the worst thing for your eyes is excess eye strain. When you take on more than our normal workload, the added stress can adversely affect our vision and cause irreversible damage to our eyes. Typically, excessive eye strain problems start developing in childhood, notably of grade school age. Once these habits and initial damage is brought into our older age, the eyes gradually become damaged. It has therefore been found that many of the more common vision problems we suffer today can be traced to bad habits and excessive strain on the eyes.

Naturally, children are always learning and have a tendency to be curious about more than one thing at a time. Ask any youngster whether or not they are excited for school to start, and they almost always enthusiastically answer yes. Pose the same question to a teenager or college student, and you are bound to get a drastically different answer. Why is there such a big divide between the two answers? The main reason is because school children are put under strict discipline, and it is mandatory for them to memorize and learn many different subjects which may not be of interest to them. When a subject is of less interest to a young child, this causes the need for added concentration and excessive eye strain is ultimate result. While it is true that interests are different from one child to the other, it is a proven fact that all children are forced to learn about things they are not remotely interested in.

Take, for instance, the boss who hands out sales numbers to all of his employees. Many of the employees will chalk this up to another useless meeting or handout – they are uninterested in statistical information. In the same way, not all school children are interested in math, the sciences, literature, etc. A higher standard in education should always be a goal to achieve; however, it may be necessary to change the way children learn. When they see better, they remember better, and this has been proven in many scientific studies. Eye strain is caused by more concentration, and more concentration is caused by lack of interest or enthusiasm in a particular subject.

The Bates Method was the creation of Dr. William Bates, a famous ophthalmologist from New York. With this method, Dr. Bates created a poster which consisted of common geometrical shapes and letters, all of which are easily recognizable by school-aged children. Dr. Bates put this poster up near the front of the classroom, in order to give the children something to glance at when ever they had feelings of being overworked or had feelings of fatigue. Dr. Bates created this poster because the shapes and letters on it would reduce eye strain and give the eyes a break – this would ultimately reduce vision damage. Seeing something unfamiliar naturally puts more strain on your eyes, but every day things that we see cause your eyes to rest at ease.

By training children to abstain from putting excessive strain on their eyes, their vision will undoubtedly not have half of the problems that doctors currently see and encounter on a daily basis.

The issues discussed in this article are fully detailed in the Bates Method for Improving Vision Naturally.