Rotator Cuff Tendonitis Exercises – Physical Therapy Program For Full Recovery

A program of physical therapy is the most effective treatment for a tendonitis. A set of rotator cuff tendonitis exercises outranks any other shoulder treatment for effectiveness and speed. On the contrary, while anti inflammatories help reduce swelling and inflammation, they can not cure the problem but just the symptoms.

A Tendonitis can develop as a stand alone disorder or in conjunction with Bursitis. A Bursitis occurs when the bursa become inflamed as well. The bursa is a sack adjacent to the rotator cuff tendons over which they slide so as not to rub against the shoulder bones. When the tendons become inflamed, the inflammation can also spread to the bursa, hence we can have Tendonitis and Bursitis at the same time too.

When this happens, the swelling of the tendons and the bursa cause a restriction of the space within the shoulder joint, in the sub acromial space. As a consequence, movements become more and more difficult, leading to a self fueling spiral of ever increasing friction, irritation and inflammation. At this point movements become characterized by a distinctive pinching or clicking feeling, the outward symptom of an Impingement Syndrome.

Anti inflammatory drugs do help reduce inflammation and pain but they also lead to a self fueling dependency, as they do not tackle the problem at the root, rather they mask or reduce the symptoms for a while, until the next dosage is needed. So the sufferer can go on for months and months without respite, like for all shoulder disorders.

Ice packs and cortisone injections are also used to cure stubborn Tendonitis. Cold is known to reduce inflammation and swelling naturally, however it needs to be re- applied over and over, and is only temporarily effective. Cortisone injections are a powerful anti inflammatory, but need to be used in severe cases as they carry side effects.

However, rotator cuff tendonitis exercises specifically developed by a professional therapist can help reduce inflammation, swelling and pain naturally, reducing considerably recovery times and eliminating the need for drugs. These exercises consist of external and internal movements targeting the rotator cuff muscles and tendons. The aim is to strengthen the cuff, eliminating poor posture problems and breaking the self fueling circle of irritation and inflammation.

If you have been diagnosed with Tendonitis, rest assured that there is a better and faster way to resolve this long lasting disorder than anti inflammatory drugs. If you are looking for a professional program of rotator cuff tendonitis exercises, check out this website. It could save you months of misery. Click on rotator cuff tendonitis exercises now.

Check out these rotator cuff tendonitis exercises.

rotator cuff tendonitis exercises.

Exercises for Rotator Cuff Tendonitis – Full Rehabilitation With a Physical Therapy Program

A Shoulder Tendonitis is one of the most common shoulder disorders, but it can be cured quickly and effectively with a program of professional exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis. A Shoulder Tendonitis, also known as Shoulder Tendinitis, is the inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons. The cuff 4 muscles attach themselves to different areas of the shoulder blade (the Scapula) on one side, and the top of the arm bone (the Humerus) on the other, just below the humeral head.

The Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor and Subscapularis work in synchrony to assist the shoulder joint in all movements and stabilize the arm bone into the shoulder socket. Normally, this complicated set up works fine, but it can also get inflamed due to over use or repetitive occupational tasks, especially in people over 40. Like all the shoulder disorders, a Tendonitis main symptom is a dull ache growing worse with time, typically at night. The normal course of action is resorting to pain killers and anti inflammatories, or ice pack and cortisone injections.

Ice packs require constant re application and are only temporarily effective, though natural and void of side effects, while cortisone injections are effective but also heavy on side effects. On the other hand, anti inflammatories lead to dependency, as they treat just the symptoms but do not cure the root cause of the problem. The only permanent and effective way to recover from a Shoulder Tendonitis is the implementation of specific exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis. A professionally devised shoulder therapy program can restore the rotator cuff to full health, eliminating inflammation and pain.

It is important to tackle the disorder sooner rather than later, because the tendons inflammation can also spread to the Bursa, an adjacent membrane over which the tendons slide to protect them from rubbing against the shoulder bones. If the Bursa becomes also inflamed, a Bursitis occurs in conjunction with a Tendonitis. Tendonitis and Bursitis together are responsible for the Impingement Syndrome, as the two adjacent areas, both swollen by inflammation, restrict the sub acromial space, making arm movements difficult, painful and accompanied by the typical pinching feeling of the Impingement Syndrome.

A physical therapy consisting of external and internal rotational exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis will resolve the situation faster than any anti inflammatory can do, if ever. These exercises restore strength and posture to the affected cuff, create a solid foundation for all movements and prevent disorders from happening again. They gradually and quickly reduce inflammation, eliminate pain, the need for drugs and cut down recovery times to a fraction.

It is very common for a sufferer to go on for months and months, while this could totally be avoided by a set of professionally designed exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis. If you are in this unfortunate situation, I urge you to check out these exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis that will cut down recovery times from months to few weeks, naturally.

Check out these exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis.

Exercises for rotator cuff tendonitis.