Seven Ways to Improve Your Reading Habit

 He who loves a book has got a  faithful friend, a wholesome counselor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter. By studying, reading, thinking, one may innocently divert and pleasantly entertain himself, as in all weathers, as in all fortunes.

~ Barrow ~

During a train journey I had recently,  I noticed an elderly woman who occupied the seat beside me. The trip was a  bit long and throughout it, I found the woman immersed in a book she was reading. I was very much impressed by the way she decided to spend her time during the travel. Even though she was pretty old, she had recognized the importance of reading and had used it wisely.

With loads of reading material available to us as part of our academics, work life or research , cultivating good reading habits  help us to make the best use of these materials. We can also read books for our leisure. Once you get hooked with reading, the time you spend on reading your favorite book will turn out to be one of your favorite activities. There are many ways to improve our reading.

Here are the seven best tips that I found to be most useful.

1. Set aside a regular time to read.

Some people read first thing in the morning, and some before bed. Most people (like me) like to read while traveling. Make your own decisions about reading. Have a reading hour or day where your main job is to read.

2. Always have a book around. Try to carry a book wherever you go. When you feel  bored, you can just read a few pages from it. After sometime, you will automatically take out your book for reading even if you are not bored. If there is a  time when you have to  wait (like at a doctor’s  office or at the DMV),  whip out your book and read.

3. Set a reading  goal. Start yourself by deciding that you are going to spend 30 minutes reading each day. Your goal might be one book a month, one per week, or it might be simply just to read. But stick with your 30 minute schedule. As your reading habit builds, you might set higher goals. Setting a goalis the first step towards reading more.

4. Visit the library or bookstore often. Just walk in to any library and pick out any good book. Take time to browse! Let your eyes find things of interest. Browsing will feed your mental eed to read, and give you plenty of new things to read.

5 . Manage the time you spend watching television and surfing the Internet.

Many people say they just don’t have enough time. Television is one of our major time consumers.  Make your television watching more conscious and less habitual. Use this time to read something useful.

6. Reward yourself after completing a book. When you finish one book, give yourself a treat. This will encourage yourself to read more. You only need to do this until you have cultivated your reading habit. After that, you will read even if you are not rewarded because the pleasure and knowledge you get while reading is the best reward.

7. Blog it. Once you start reading, start writing. One of the best ways to do this is to put it on your blog. If you don’t have one, create one. Let your friends and family members review your writing. This is a positive spiral. The more you read and the more you write, the more you will write, and the  more you will read. Let your friends and family members review your writing. This is a positive spiral. The more you read and the more you write, the more you will write, and the more you will read.

Fransic Bacon once said  “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. “

Reading helps mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles in our eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration, which helps readers decipher new words and phrases that they come across in everyday conversations.

Reading habit help you to meet the famous; saints and sinners, Poets and artists, kings and queens, Old stars and hopeful beginners, Learn secrets from writers and masters.  You travel the cultures and traditions of the world, sitting right in your living room.

A good reading habit can become a healthy addiction and once this powerful habit is mastered, your life will will move to the next level improving your vocabulary, analytical skills, concentration power, deciphering new words and traveling through the best minds of the world.

With reading, you get the key to a vast ocean. “An Ocean full of Treasures and Gems. Knowledge and Wisdom.  The Treasures that will change your life for ever“.

Sijith Salim. I maintain my personal success blog website

6 Ways to Improve Your Conversion Rate

Are you one of the many online small eCommerce businesses that believe that they have a great website but is still seeing their conversion rate suffer? Believe it or not this is something that happens far too often. There are a couple of possible explanations to why this is happening. The first is that your website isn’t as great as you think and you actually need to contact a Phoenix web design company to help you redo your website. Or second there could just be some things that you are doing wrong on your website and when you change these things you will notice your conversion rate jump. Besides this is your ultimate goal. So what are some of the small things websites do that have a negative impact on their business?

1. Highlight Your Most Popular Items – Just like with a store front you want to highlight your best selling products and the same goes for an eCommerce website. Why would you hide the items that are your hot sellers on inside pages of your website? You want to put your best selling products on your home page.

2. Add Products to Your Check Out Page – When a customer is checking out it is a perfect time to offer items that they also may be interested in on the checkout page to see if you can possibly sell additional items. This is the same reason when you go to Target or Wal Mart you see all the little items by the cash register. They are hoping to catch your eye and make an additional sale.

3. Add a Chat Function – When a customer is on your checkout page and has been there for more than a couple minutes it is wise to engage that customer and see if there is something that you can assist them with. That is exactly what a chat function will allow you to do.

4. Availability of Your Staff – There is nothing more frustrating for an online shopper than when they have a question and attempt to contact the company and there contact information is nowhere to be found or when they try to call them nobody ever answers. If you want to be successful you have to have an open line of communication between you and your customers. Remember it is your customers that are paying your bills so you need to treat them like they are.

5. Expand Your Boarders – One of the biggest benefits of having an eCommerce business is that you can reach a much larger target audience. This being said you should start marketing to people outside of your town. To find out more about internet marketing such as SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing contact your Phoenix Web Design company.

6. Evolve – Like all technology the internet is always evolving and because of this you need to make sure your company evolves with it. One example how the internet is currently evolving is mobile devices. It used to be that everybody visiting your website was using a laptop or desktop computer. In the very near future the majority of the people visiting your website will be using a smart phone or tablet so in order to evolve with the internet it is critical that you make sure that your website is mobile compatible.

The conversion rate of your eCommerce website is ultimately the one thing that truly matters. You can get a million people to your website but if none of them convert what good is it. Running an eCommerce business you depend upon sales and there is a lot that goes into getting a sale. It is different than hiring salesman you have to turn your website into the salesman and in order to be successful you must equip the website with the proper tools and layout.


The author expertise in the fields of online marketing in USA, HireAwiz. Want to know more about Phoenix Web Design Company or call us 623-349-4732 or visit

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Effective Ways to Improve Your Health

If you really want to live a successful life then it is essential to keep yourself healthy and fit. Unless a person is healthy he is neither able to remain happy nor successful in life. You should take care of your health to enjoy the pleasures of life.

Every person should give top priority to his/her health instead of any other thing. If you are fit and healthy you can easily move ahead in your life, can easily face any difficulties and also maintain your relationships in a better way.

So, give some time to yourself to think about your health and diet. There are multiple ways through which you can easily improve your health and maintain it in an effective way:

Weight Loss Programs

A real and proper weight loss program can easily help you out in decreasing your weight gradually. An effective diet plan that ensures balanced nutrition intake in regular interval combined with a proper exercise routine will result in a winning weight loss program. These diet programs not only decrease your weight but also help you out in maintaining it.

There are so many Weight Loss Programs available in the market that can easily help out to get your dream body shape. Normally people gain weight just because of some medical issues. For this purpose it is better to consult with a doctor or any diet specialist who can guide you in a better way. A professional and skilled health specialist will not only help you in reducing the weight but also ensures quick recovery from that health problem. So, take some time to follow the program. Enjoy the benefit of being fit.

Nutrition Programs

A weight loss nutrition program is another effective way to keep yourself healthy and fit. Fruits and vegetables are the most important things for a healthy diet and nutrition programs. This is because fruits give your body a healthy amount of calories that help your body to perform multiple function. Vegetables and fruits also provide fiber, but vegetables tend not to have the extra calories and sugars that fruit has. So, with a good and effective list of foods, you can easily lose your weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

Anti Aging Therapy

With the increasing age, we start noticing wrinkles and age spots on your faces or body. Nothing is ever going to completely erase the marks of the hand of time, of course. But with a proper and effective anti aging therapy you can keep yourself healthy and can live a full and vital life.

One of the most important parts of anti aging therapy is to keeping body at its best through diet and exercise. Choose some light exercise that you enjoy, and make it your habit. Also, make a proper and effective diet plan and stuck on it. Because regularity is the key of any anti aging therapy.

Here are some of the effective and efficient ways to keep you healthy and fit. The only thing you need is to follow these effective ways to enjoy a healthy living. If you are living in Australia and looking for some health products for healthy living then just make some search on internet. Just type health products Australia on your Google search bar and it will show you a huge list of multiple health products. Just choose on and start your diet today.

Lorenzo cliff has been working as a professional writer since 2009. His writing includes many articles for blogs, websites like for anti aging therapy, and many more. He prioritizes quality over quantity and make sure that his articles are well researched, interesting, and error-free. Weight loss products

5 Ways To Improve Your Twitter Marketing

If you’ve just started your social media marketing campaign, you might be feeling a bit lost. In this article, I’m going to share five quick, easy things that you can put into place straight away to get you started with your Twitter marketing. They are great if you’re just getting started, or you haven’t got started just yet, or perhaps you’ve even got an existing campaign but it’s not really working for you and you’re looking to improve it.

The first tip is, if you’re not doing this already, go out and follow people in your industry. Follow your competitors and watch what they’re doing. Really try to find the people that are doing it well, and watch what they’re doing, and learn from it. Take the time to spend a few weeks, a few months even, really understanding their social media strategy and then you can start to formulate your own.

Tip number two is to do the same thing with your customers. You should search out and follow your customers, or your potential customers. That might be people of a certain age within a certain location, or it might be businesses of a certain type, again within a certain location or a certain sector. So how do you find them? Twitter has lots of add-on tools that you can use for these purposes, for example there’s a service called Twellow, which you can use look up, for example, graphic designers in the London area, and it will return Twitter users which match that profile. The second thing that I recommend is a service called TweetDeck. This allows you to monitor the conversations on Twitter for certain keywords, so if people are talking about your business, or they’re talking about problems that you know how to solve, then you can be alerted and then are able to converse and chat to these people. So, an important part of using Twitter is to make the most of its ability to let you monitor your customers and your potential customers.

Third strategy is, and this underpins everything you do on Twitter, is to give value. Don’t talk about your breakfast this morning, don’t talk about what’s frustrating you the day. Give value to the people that are following you. Offer them stuff that’s going to be interesting to them, or useful, or even better, entertaining.

Fourth strategy is to communicate regularly. Twitter works best when you’re there and you’re using it on a regular basis, posting stuff and answering questions and asking questions. You don’t have to let it consume your day, but you can do it with just five minutes, three times a day, for example. But it must be regular.

Our final point is to be yourself and to put your personality through it. Don’t sell to your followers, don’t be boring. Be yourself and show your human side, and you’ll get better value from what you’re doing with Twitter.

Nicola is the author of this article about social media marketing, if you want to find more information; watch our video ‘5 Ways To Improve Your Twitter Marketing’.

Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary Quick

It is the primary desire of every person to improve his command in a language. The problem is that this process takes up time and at times money. Few people make it through. If planning to improve your vocabulary quickly, it is important that you make a number of considerations. The following points could be helpful in achieving your desired goals.


Reading is the best thing that you can do to improve your vocabulary. This is an option that helps you build your command of English or any other language by looking at how experts play with the words. You should refer to more native writers and go through their work with a keen eye on the sentence structures. This will help you achieve a better goal more reliably.


Games could also be effective in lessons to improve your vocabulary. Due to the seething desire of many people to improve their language, many games have been designed to help people realize their goals within a fraction of the time. The best games are those involving questions or puzzles. By playing these games, you will be able to learn new words and phrases. This is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary fast.


The newspapers and magazines can also be helpful as you improve your vocabulary. The crosswords section will give you access to a number of words that you can learn to improve your vocabulary. Always take time to go through all the min games on this section and be sincere with yourself. This will help you learn new words and phrases that will be handy in future.

Book Clubs

Reading a book alone can be daunting. This is why it is a great idea to join a book club. This is a group of people with similar tastes who come together to go through a single book and discuss it for fun. This is not only intriguing but will compel you to go through the whole book keenly in order to be active during the discussions. While discussing the findings from the book, you will also be able to understand certain intricate phrases or sentences used in the book. This will in turn give you a better understanding.

Team work is always the best way to do something. Have a friend to work together in improving your vocabulary.


Movies also create better ways to improve your vocabulary. This is simply because a movie is based more on conversations. Go to the movie store and select great movies that are not perverse. By watching such movies, you will be able to learn better ways in communication as well as the best tactic to use when handling certain situations.

The same applies to music. Good music will help you improve your vocabulary considerably.


One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to engage in conversations. This is an option that will not only motivate you but also help you identify your mistakes and learn better ways to communicate. Do not confine yourself to solitary simply because your command of English is not superb.

Belle Jose is the author of this article on improve your vocabulary. Find more information, about course to improve your vocabulary here

Ways to improve your child’s self esteem

Child Development Ways to improve your child’s self esteem
Child Development requires good self esteem

When you feel good about yourself you feel confident,happy and the world seems a better place. This happiness and confidence expresses itself in your relationships and in all aspects of your life. You like being you or in other words you have a good self esteem. Child development is positive when the child is happy and has no worries or fears. Parents can encourage such positive child development simply by listening and gently correcting the language used by their child.

The Power of Language in Child Development

Encourage your child to use positive language about themselves rather than negative. Child development hinges on how the child sees themself. Think about the huge difference between “Cant” and “Wont”. One is a dead end and implies failure and giving up. The other implies a choice which means that the person making it is in control. Wont means that you are responsible for your own actions whereas Cant means that you are at the mercy of the situation for which there is no way out. Which do you think and which is detrimental to child development? There is a world of difference between “I cant do my homework/tidy my room/go to bed” and “I wont do my homework/tidy my room/go to bed.”

When your child vocalises their feelings encourage them to say the same thing but in a different way. “with practice I will improve at this” is better than “I am no good at this” ‘I won’t make friends’, is better than ‘I can’t make friends’ (or use “I choose not to…” instead of wont) “nobody likes me” becomes “nobody likes me yet but one day they will” Once the situation is seen in a proper per­spective it can be tackled on its own merits and your child development has been enhanced by the reassurance you will then no doubt deliver.

The harm “I am” can do to Child Development

I AM is incredibly powerful. Once I say ‘I am bored/hopeless/depressed’, I am identifying myself with these conditions, and they become part of the way in which I see myself. So when your child says “I am hopeless/useless/not very good” make light of it straightaway by saying “no you are not you are my son/daughter” The I AM strategy is a use of the power of suggestion. It sounds odd to believe that repeating to yourself from time to time that you can do something, or that I am getting better at something, actually helps produce improvement, but it does.

The uncon­scious mind gets the message in the same way as we plant suggestions in the unconscious when hypnosis is used. So when you hear I AM from your child find something positive to put on the end of it. Child development will be improved by the child writing out these positive suggestions, colouring and decorating them in any way they like and putting them up on their bedroom wall. Seeing the suggestion ‘I can do mathematics’ attractively presented on the wall several times a day again helps get the message into the unconscious mind.

Self esteem tips for Child Development

Prompt your child to use thefirst person when they talk about themselves. The use of ‘one‘ or ‘we‘ is a problem that usually surfaces in the teens rather than now, but by de-person­alizing themselves through language they avoid responsi­bility for themselves as individuals. Child development is retarded if the child does not like themself. Encourage your child to change ‘but‘ into “and‘ if the child is talking negatively about themself.

 Thus ‘I’d like to be good at football like Tom, but I’m not’ becomes ‘I’d like to be good at football like Tom, and I’m not’. The use of ‘But’ divides off the second half of the sentence from the first, suggesting that Tom’s ability to play football and my own are two separate things and are never going to be the same. Whereas the use of “And‘ includes both parts of the sentence together meaning that Tom’s ability and my ability are the same sort of thing, so one day mine may be as good as his.

These linguistic usages may seem like tricks but really do help with child development and building high self esteem. Prompt your child to look people in the face when they talk. This is not just as a sign of respect to the other person but as a sign of respect to themself. Your child should feel that they are every bit as good as the next person and has no need to look at the ground whilst talking to them. Encourage your child to set realistic goals namely those where the chance of success outweighs that of failure, while at the same time reflecting their true potential. In this way the child learns to associate themself with success rather than failure.

Your role in Child Development

You love your child and naturally want the best for them. You are not expected to be an expert in child development and you will not get it right every time. But simply by reading this you show that you care and want to do the right thing. I believe that every adult has self esteem issues at some time in their life and would not wish it on anyone,especially their child.

Child development will often seem that you are going backwards rather than making progress but it is a marathon not a sprint. Be patient. You will be the worst judge of whether you have been good at child development or the worst at child development. The look of love your child gives you is proof you did something right. 

If this article helps just one person cope better with child development then the child that person and me will all have had a boost to our respective self esteems.

Roy J. Paget is a neuroscientist and a leading authority on Brain Based Learning and the
educational and academic achievements of children. He has devoted his life’s
work to raising human potential and personal effectiveness and his unique
approach to training and development has assisted both individuals and businesses in the UK and abroad to dramatically increase their well being.Quite simply he changes lives.

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Ways to Improve Your Home Equity

Making monthly mortgage payments is a great way to build your home equity, but it’s an awfully slow one. Another way to gain equity is by adding value to your home. As the home value goes up, so does your equity and doing complete renovations or remodels is one of the best ways to add value. But many homeowners go into home projects thinking it’s going to pay off hugely in the long run, only to end up spending too much on the project and seeing it cost them just as much. But which ones will give you the most equity, dollar for dollar?

Many homeowners think that it’s the bathroom and the kitchen that will most increase the value of their home, and they’re not entirely wrong. Just about any kind of kitchen renovation will add value and equity to the home, but it does work a bit differently with bathrooms. While many are tempted to think that it will pay off more for them to rip out their bathroom entirely and replace everything in it, that’s not actually the case. In fact, doing a basic remodel will pay off more in the long run, dollar for dollar, than a high-end one. And when it comes to the question of remodel or renovate bathrooms, you’ll always get more home equity for your dollar by renovating and improving, rather than remodeling and replacing.

Aside from kitchens and bathrooms, another home improvement that adds a great deal of home equity is replacing exterior doors with steel doors. Steel doors not only add to the idea of security in the home, but they also are simply nicer to look at. Replacing an entry door in the average home for $ 1,200 has an approximate return on your investment (in the form of home equity) of 2%. Replacing a garage door also adds a lot of value to a home, and is especially important when the homeowners are trying to improve the curb appeal of their home.

Other home improvements that will add the most home equity without you overspending on them are replacing windows and siding, turning attic space into a spare bedroom, and finishing basements. Some of the home improvement projects that will give you the worst return on your dollar are sunroom, home office, and hot tub additions.

Another innovative way to improve the value of your home without spending too much while doing it, all adding to your home equity, is to do some of the work yourself. You may not be able to replace wiring, but you can tear down the drywall in front of it so that it’s ready for an electrician to take over. And while you might not feel confident replacing a roof yourself, you could tear off the old shingles and get it as prepared as you can before a contractor takes over. For smaller projects, you really might be able to do it all yourself and save yourself even more, keeping even more of that value, and equity, for yourself.

Bryan J is the author of this article. For more information about Home equity loans or about Home equity line of credit   please visit

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Four Ways to Improve Your CD Rates

While you can create a substantial retirement fund from smart stock trades and a well-planned individual retirement account, some investors benefit more from guaranteed investments that provide high rewards. When you’re interested in a low-risk investment opportunity that offers high interest rates, certificates of deposit (CDs) are the perfect solution. With protection from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and a secure, fixed interest rate, CDs offer stability in an uncertain world. You can’t predict the future, but you can prepare for it by choosing an account that offers favorable interest rates with little hassle. Check out the following four strategies to improve your CD rates and your financial future.

1. Invest for a Longer Period of Time

Banks offer higher interest rates on CDs in exchange for your agreement to leave the money invested for a pre-determined period of time. When you agree to leave the money in the CD for a longer period of time, you’ll earn an even higher interest rate. Most CD terms extend from three months to five years, but some banks offer investment terms of up to ten years. If you can afford to leave the money invested for a longer investment term, you’ll see greater rewards in the future.

2. Deposit As Much As You Can Afford

The amount of money you deposit initially can also impact your overall interest rate profoundly. Banks generally require minimum deposits for CDs, so it’s important to research the different types of accounts ahead of time. If you can reach a threshold with higher interest rates, you’ll earn more money on your total investment for the entire duration of your CD. Additionally, the higher interest rate will be applied to a larger balance, which will help your savings to grow even more quickly.

3. Avoid Withdrawals at All Costs

While CDs are an especially safe way to invest money, it is important to avoid making early withdrawals at all costs. CDs generally have high penalties for early withdrawals, so make sure that you can afford your investment before locking money into a long-term CD. If you aren’t sure whether or not you can commit to the CD’s investment term, you might want to consider a more flexible option like a savings account. You could also try an initial investment in a CD with a shorter investment period. While CDs with short investment terms have lower interest rates, you might save more by avoiding the hefty penalties associated with early withdrawals.

4. Choose CDs from Online Banks

In most cases, you’ll find the best interest rates for CDs from online banking providers. Most banks offer comparable CD rates, but you could find a special offer or limited discount available to new customers that maximizes the long-term value of your CD. In addition to your CD’s interest rate, be sure to consider the extra benefits and features you’ll receive with your account. Look for a CD that is easy to manage and that offers clear terms you can understand.

Victoria Lee is an experienced author with a special interest in finance. Based in New York, she likes to research CD rates and share them with her audience. Her favorite pastime is reading up on the latest finance news and she saves her best tips for her finance information pages: .

Ways to Improve Your Profitability

If you see that your profits are not as high as you want them to be, or if your profit objectives are generally unrealized, then your company needs an overhaul, one way or another. It is said that your profit margin is the single most powerful indicator of your company’s health. So, if you profit margin is dwindling, chances are, your company’s health is dwindling as well.

Here are some ways you can jack up your company’s profitability. 
1. Overhaul your marketing plan. 
If your profitability is on the wane, that simply means your marketing plan is no longer working as effectively and efficiently as it should. For instance, if you’ve been using the same print ad that runs in the local newspaper for several years now, people may see it as being static. That your product or service has nothing new to offer. Try new marketing angles, consider trying a new approach. Sometimes you don’t have to change the product, you just have to change the way you communicate the product to your customers.
2. Offer new products.
If your profitability has gone stale, it simply means your products have gone stale as well and are no longer doing that well in the market. In order to revitalize your business, you need to offer something new that may or may not click, but would definitely stir something up. Optionally, you can increase whatever it is you are already offering your customers by expanding your product line and by introducing new variants to existing products.
3. Expand your client base. 
Expanding your customer base is a sure-fire way to increase profitability directly. For instance, if you initially contacted, say, 2,000 customers in the area when you opened your business a couple of years ago, then it must be time to add another 1,000 to 2,000 names from nearby and surrounding areas. Optionally, you may want to do telemarketing, guerilla marketing, direct marketing, advertising, or publicity, all in the pursuit of more possible customers for your product or service. Broaden your exposure to reach more customers.
4. Reduce costs
Another sure way to increase profitability is to simply reduce expenses. Money saved is money earned, so they say. There are, in turn, several ways to reduce expenses, like streamlining your workflow, reducing manpower number, and outsourcing some of your company’s tasks. Now, with regard to outsourcing, which job functions should you consider outsourcing? Some of the most common functions that are outsourced are: data entry outsourcing or encoding, call center outsourcing, customer service, technical support, legal and medical transcription, SEO content writing, and social media management.
Profitability is what every business aspires for. However, it’s not as easy as it seems to achieve that P word. If your business is in the doldrums or if you simply want a bigger bottom line, then it’s time to reinvent your business and think of new ways to shore up interest in your product or improving operational efficiency.

James is a business school graduate and an aspiring entrepreneur.

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your English

Take notes and jot things down. If you jot down words or important phrases that you do not know, you’ll be able to then refer back to them down the line. I suggest making an effort to keep a simple notepad with you so that you can make note of words you do not know. This is useful if you are watching a show, listening to music, speaking with others, or sitting in your English class. At a later moment, you can find the definitions. Don’t get worried if you don’t know how to spell a word. Simply make a note of how the word sounds or how you believe it might be written. To obtain the true spelling, you can go to Google and key in the word that you are searching for. In case it is misspelled, Google will give you the most probable word. You may also open a Microsoft word document or something like that and write the word in that as well. It will also give you a list of suggested words. As soon as you have identified the word, you are able to then find the definition. The next step would be to begin making use of the word or phrase in your discussions and in your writing.

Watch Television shows or movies. Watching films or Television shows in English is a really good way to improve your listening abilities. If it’s feasible, I also advise using English subtitles. By using the subtitles, you will be able to hear how the word is pronounced and how it is written. This will help your brain associate words with their sounds.

Listen to music or podcasts. Listening to music can be a fun way to enhance your listening skills as well. Even if your regional radio stations don’t play a large number of English songs, you can find many English radio stations on the web. I recommend printing out the lyrics of your favorite songs and learning the words so that you may sing along. I also recommend listening to podcasts. There are podcasts on basically every subject matter, so you are bound to find something to your liking.

Warning: Song writers do not always use correct English grammar. Many times words are picked for how they sound in the song and not for grammar purposes.
Read. Reading is a great way for you to improve your English. By reading, you will be introduced to new vocabulary words and will also see how English grammar is used. It is necessary to note that grammar is not always used in the correct way in spoken English. In writing, however, grammar must be used correctly. Therefore, the more often you read, the more you will be aware of how certain words are used along with the grammar. It is not so important what you read, simply read something in English. The most important thing is to read about something you are interested in. If it is a topic that you are interested in, then you are more inclined to read about it more regularly and for longer periods of time.
Practice. This is hands down the best way to improve your English. It may well also be the toughest, especially if you live in a non-English speaking country and work full time. There are ways, however, that you can practice your English. Taking an English course, for example, is always a great way to practice your English. You can take a course from a traditional school or try one on the internet. If cost is a problem, try finding English blogs that give free lessons. You can also make friends with an English speaking person on Facebook, MySpace, or any other kind of social media website. There are always folks looking to learn some other language. Just find somebody that would really like to learn your language and suggest to help them if they help you. You never know, this could produce a great friendship or your true love.

If you are interested in learning English, then you should see my FREE English lessons at

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