Auto Lensmeter and Blocking

I have used an old school (from 1945) lensmeter for the past 30 years. It finally died and decided for the sake of my staff to get an autolensmeter. However, I have never personally used one before. We do a little bit of edging (simple single vision jobs). My question is how to use this new lensmeter for blocking the lens. The manual for this lensmeter shows I check the glasses upside down from how I do now in my old manual lensmeter. Just wondering if I block the lens, does that mean I have to then turn the lens upside down when putting it in the blocker? Or it doesn’t matter because it will just be 180 degrees so it shouldn’t cause any issue when putting it blocker? I feel like I’m overthinking it. But I don’t like change. Maybe I should return this and get a manual lensmeter.

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