How Glasses Make Your Eyesight Worse: 1 Minute Animation

Here we go, the first and maybe one of many more, explainer animation videos:

Useful?  Let me know!

Of course doing this sort of video takes a ton more resources (read: money) than the usual old guru rants.  Scripts have to be written, voiceovers have to be recorded, animators have to be animated.  Or paid.  Or kept captive in the production basement.  

Either way, yet another of the countless experiments of endmyopia, and sharing ideas.

Hope you enjoy, do share and comment, let me know if you’d like more of these.



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Young Child Glasses: One Focal Plane?

You have a young child, already in glasses.  

You’re reading and learning and figuring out normalized, differentials, blur horizon, focal planes.  But now you’re thinking … my child doesn’t really have close-up screen time, yet.   Not in school yet, I don’t use iPads as babysitters, so maybe differentials make no sense?

Also, how would you keep track of when to wear what, and how much ongoing effort and confusion will two pairs of glasses add?

Some potential answers on this, in this  quick video discussing single focal plane preferences for young children:

As always, there’s lots more in the child nearsightedness section.

And in our child myopia YouTube playlist.



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How To Calibrate A Cheap Test Lens Kit

You probably don’t need a test lens kit.

Unless, you know … you want one.  

Or you’re dealing with a vexingly complex diopter scenario you’re trying to untangle, and you couldn’t friendly-bribe a local optometrist into sharing their kit.

Either way, you probably want to do a little bit of at-home calibrating:

As always, this is deeply, profoundly unprofessional advice.  You do with all this as you like.

Either way though, do go make some 20/20 gains!



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Active Focus Triggers: Habits For Better Eyesight

New Daily Beard is up on them there Interwebs-eses, kittehz.

The longer your most favorite ole Jakey is at this, the more our communities grow, the more random peoples stumble on our resources, the more I realize that this isn’t really for everyone.  Lots of the questions suggest that plenty of people just aren’t ready for anything more than “five easy stepzzz”.  

Really though, you’re about to learn how to re-tune your vision.  There’s plenty of nuance and details and self discovery and habit adjustment and general acquiring of knowledge and experience involved.  As much as I want to make all of this easily accessible and easily usable, we have to concede that this topic requires some immersion. 

So immerse yourself into this video, and the terrible face therein:

There we go. 

It’s kind of obvious once you consider it.  Build in the triggers for habits and let that do the work for you.  Much easier than relying on future-you to keep remembering and doing something and continually investing conscious effort.

This advice and art direction, brought to you by Captain Lazyface himself.  

I only do well with things that make it into habits and routines.

Also as much as I am not in a rush to promote corporate social media, we do have a new-ish Facebook page.  I’ve started posting some of these videos there early, along with various other bits of content.  Reason currently mainly that we have a chatbot there that helps a bit answering newbie questions.  Just hit the ‘send message’ button to try it out.

And of course as always, if you want to escape the social media madness, there’s our old timey and simple community forum.  Best place to catch up with fellow darlings, if you ask me.

But don’t ask me.  Just go make some 20/20 gains.



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Zoltan: -2.50 To No Glasses | Shortsighted Podcast


Vat eeeeis deeeeis?  Another podcast episode, even though we just had one last week?

Jaaa, that’s right.  The consistency, determination, and sheer professionalism of the collective works of endmyopia, astounding as always.

Here’s the video of the episode:

Or of course, audio only:

Or have a stop over on our full podcast page.  You will find direct links to our podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Alexa, and many more apps.

And there is also the playlist of all episodes on our Tubes.

Hope you enjoy these, and are keeping up with your own 20/20 gains.



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Endmyopia Video Interview On BNS


Yes.  That is back.  Also I’m here today to dutifully inform you that your favorite sparkly bearded sage has been wantonly neglecting the posting of any updates about our socializing efforts.

We get interviewed on lots of podcasts.  And I don’t bring it up here at all.

Here’s a recent one that actually turned out pretty decent:

Minus that face, obviously.

We did make a bit of playlist of some of the episodes that are also on Youtube.  And there is the slightly more complete version of that list on our Website.  Because quite a few of them aren’t on Youtube.

These are actually pretty important, no matter how much we pretend to joke around about everything.  There’s a whole team of minions here at the tall towers of endmyopia, doing things like outreach and schmoozing and name dropping and up-following and maintaining good relationships with various health related destinations and creators.

Everything about endmyopia sits on a very long timeline.  Your favorite uncle Jake isn’t trying to make some quick Internet marketing money, like the many lets-ignore-causality-bro, Bates eye exercise proponents.  Or vaguely entertaining clowns who’d love to have you believe that myopia is “all in your head” (pay them, and they’ll tell you all about the insides of your head, too).  

Ignorance really must be bliss … just imagine all those pretty, pretty unicorns.  

Jakey, you’re thinking.  Back off the gas.

And you’re right.  This post, not meant to be taking rantey shots at the peanut gallery.

Long timeline.  Building awareness.  Also working on some serious apps to replace a lot of this browser stuff.  More on that, soon.  And of course more episodes on our own podcast.  And focus on the community.  And some improvements to our FB group.  And yay, our Wiki.

If you want to help, share us to podcast hosts.  And other health communities.  Get people thinking about those eyeballs.

And also, go make some 20/20 gains!



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Nick: 30 Years In -2.00 Glasses, Now 20/15 Eyesight | Shortsighted Podcast

Shortsighted Podcast episodes have been slow to show, lately.

Occasionally your favorite old Jake gets a bit more ambitious than the reality of schedules allow.  Or the reality of ambitions, perhaps.

Still, today we’re back on track, with an episode with Nick.

Nick spent 30 years with -2 diopter glasses, while managing to avoid the ever increasing diopter trap of the optic shop.  How he did that, in the episode.  He also managed to rid himself of -1.25 diopters of astigmatism, and the entire two diopters of spherical diopters.  He can now see 20/15 on the eye chart, and is pretty happy about it:

As always, if you prefer to listen, here is the audio of the episode:

Or have a stop over on our full podcast page.  You will find direct links to our podcast on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Alexa, and many more apps.

And there is also the playlist of all episodes on our Tubes.

Hope you enjoy these, and are keeping up with your own 20/20 gains.



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Corneal Astigmatism: Treatments?

Another video feature today, for you.

This one from a question in the Facebook group:

The answer to this I thought at first, should be obvious:

If Aboud spent the requisite amount of time doing his own research, he might have figured out that we don’t advocate for a fix for an irregularly shaped cornea.  Because we don’t know about fixing anything that’s broken or mal-funtioning or otherwise not ‘healthy’ and normal.

But then Aboud clearly wrote a well considered question and did some research.  Also people ask about this sometimes, so we might as well address it.

Don’t want to watch the video? 

Short version, I can’t tell you how to fix an irregularly shaped cornea.  Unless … maybe your visual cortex has built-in features to compensate for such irregularities?

Who knows.  Go make some 20/20 gains!



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Could You Use Weaker Glasses?

‘Ello, matey, Jake here.  

Persistently and unsuccessfully as usual, talking about our darling eyeballs.  

Today’s topic, a post in our Facebook group.  This one is interesting since it goes to my point about having some kind of outdoor hobby, and the many benefits of having sporting activities in your life.

It’s in video format since that’s of course that’s what kids are into these days:


Yea, I know.  It’s not.  It’s not nearly as interesting as scrolling through social media feeds and writing angry tweets.  Which in case you have Netflix, the Social Dilemma is a great bit of insight on the massive manipulation that’s causing us to be such total addicts.  

Speaking on that tangent, my solution for the whole addict-ification, is to go old school as often as possible.  Like using old school cameras to take photos for example – and for community online chat, our old school forum whenever possible, rather than the treachery of Facebook.

Some of the online bits, amazingly useful.  Others maybe less so.

Also check this out:

Oh well.

And that is all.  Off you go now, hopefully to make some 20/20 gains.



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Worse Eyesight – Improves Faster?

Daily Beard, turning into a bit of a Q&A themed thing lately.

Q&A theme on this one, the question whether ‘worse’ eyesight improves faster.

Which yes it does, but only if you like all of Jakey’s videos and subscribe to all the YouTubes and Facebooks and forums and things, and buy all the requisite guru-merchandise.

Here’s the video:

Of course we don’t actually have merchandise.

I’ve been asking for having a solid bronze, eight foot statue of a bearded guru be made available for sale online, so far to no avail.  I actually have very little influence in this whole operation, quite obviously.

So all you really need to do, is make some 20/20 gains.



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