How to De-Clutter Fast and Regain Order in your Life

When it comes to establishing order in your life, it can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint where you should start. Fortunately, regaining order in your life is something that can be done quickly as you work toward de-cluttering your home and life. Working quickly through a few simple steps can help keep you focused and headed in a positive direction. Staying organized and de-cluttering you life is possible if you take the following advice into consideration.

Work Smarter and Faster

It is equally important to work both efficiently and quickly when working toward bring order to your life and de-cluttering your space. Map out a plan of attack, efficiently move through each of the steps and maintain your focus throughout the process. Organization is something that is learned by practicing the quality frequently. Stay aware of your surroundings and don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by other issues as you work through de-cluttering your home. Keep your eye on your goal of de-cluttering your life and ultimately living an ordered life.

Maintain Your Focus

When you begin de-cluttering, it can be overwhelming to consider all the different spaces that need to be cleaned and the tasks that need to be accomplished. Shift your thinking and try to work effectively by not allowing yourself to be distracted. Rather than thinking about the big picture, focus on specific areas that need your attention first. Dedicate your effort to one specific space or room at a time. After finishing the de-cluttering of one room, move on to the next room. Continue to work on de-cluttering every week and you’ll find that your living stays more organized in the long run.

Get Your Family on Board

Regaining order in your living should be as important to you as it is to the rest of your family. Hold a family meeting or discussion with your spouse and family to discuss your family’s goals. Then, work out a plan and divvy up responsibilities to each member of the family. This will help each of you to take responsibility for the overall order of your home and likewise, your life. De-cluttering quickly is about shared responsibilities and a group effort.

Stick to your Plan

Once you establish a plan to de-clutter your home and ultimately bring organization to existence, it is important to stick to it. Think of it as a commitment to yourself and to your family. You will find that staying orderly and organized will bring happiness to your life and your family. It can feel scary when you life is not in order, so work to conquer the fear and de-clutter your living once and for all.

With a little time, effort and planning you will find that it is easier than you think to quickly de-clutter your life.

Quickly de-cluttering your life is easier than you think. Read and learn more about easy tips to organize your home and de-clutter your living at

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Regain your Inner Power


Have you ever strolled along the beach and spied a treasure hunter with his metal detector? It is kind of funny when you think of it. After all, what are the chances that someone will actually find a huge hidden treasure? In fact, more often than not, the treasure seeker may just be lucky enough to find a few priceless coins or perhaps a valuable piece of fine jewelry. I imagine that half the fun is in the searching!

Well, looking for hidden treasure on the seashore is kind of like taking responsibility for where you are right now. You know that deep down inside of you there is a hidden treasure just waiting to be rediscovered. But you repeatedly allow your problems or misfortunes to overpower you and control your life. If you want to take command of the situation and garner real resolve, you must take hold of that inner treasure detector and uncover the courage, wisdom, strength and passion to attain what it is you are seeking in life. Whatever you choose to do, never give up — it is there waiting for you to uncover it.

Some ideas…

Sometimes it is important for you to find a mentor or role model that you can model yourself after. Who is it that you admire or with whom you feel a certain kinship? Perhaps that individual could be your sister, your uncle, a favorite sports player or a local firefighter.
You can also ask your guardian angels to support and help you. In doing so, you will not give up so easily.
Breathe. At times you may become so consumed with your trials that you forget to breathe. Take a deep breath and feel the warmth of the sun flowing in you, through you and into every cell of your body. Now let it all go. Just let all the anger, resentment, fear and anguish pour out of your body like a waterfall. No longer is it damming your energy flow.
Visualization. Imagine yourself strolling on a beach. The waves are beating oh so slightly against the sand beneath your feet. Feel the wet grains of sand between your toes. Hear the seagulls in the distance. The sky is blue and the only thing between you and the ocean is a gentle breeze that continues to envelop your body. Doesn’t it feel good?

There is no better time than the present moment to recapture your inner power and take back the control from all the challenges that are presenting themselves to you. Just like the tide, events in your life will come and go – how you choose to react to those events is entirely up to you!


Regain your Inner Power
By Joan Marie Whelan The Gift

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Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan and Intuitive Coaching

Eyesight Maintenance

Here’s a list of tips to consider when trying to stay vigilant about sustaining your vision – which some may find they’re unconsciously already doing!

1. We all remember our mothers telling us to eat all of our carrots at dinner time, but do carrots really improve vision?  According to health officials, the answer is ‘no, not unless you have a severe vitamin A deficiency’; but surprisingly there are other foods that can help fight against age-related eye degradation.  Studies have shown that nutrient rich green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach may deter vision problems in the long run due to their high vitamin content. Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon are also found to be beneficial. In any event, regulating a healthy diet with added physical activity makes a person less likely to have obesity related diseases like type 2 diabetes (which is the leading cause of blindness in adults).  

2. Mom had it right though when it came to taking a break from the TV (or sitting too close to the tube for long periods of time).  These days, most of us sit in front of our computer monitors for the majority of the day, which isn’t all that different from staring for hours on end at the TV.  Staring at a computer screen can cause eyestrain and blurry vision, making it difficult to focus at a distance.  Focusing too long can dry out the eyes and cause headaches.

You can combat this by taking a short break for a few minutes for every hour that you’re working. Positioning your monitor so that the top of the monitor is at eye level helps because looking slightly down at the screen reduces eye strain. If you wear corrective lenses make sure your prescription is up-to-date.  

3. Go outdoors!  It’s ok to let your eyes adjust to outside sunlight but if you plan on staying outdoors for a prolonged period of time, don’t forget to wear a pair of sunglasses that have a high UVA and UVB protection.  Staying out in the sun for long hours without protection can lead to a type of cataracts which is cause by extra pigmentation from the sun. Macular degeneration is also known to be a result of prolonged sun exposure. Be careful when choosing your eyewear! Most cheap sunglasses offer little to no protection at all and more often than not, you’ll just have to take the manufacturer’s word for it. If there is no mention of UV protection, don’t put your eyes at risk – no matter how great those glasses look on you!

 4. Visit your doctor for regular check ups. This ensures that you’ll have the most up-to-date prescription and knowledge about your eyes’ needs.  There are several eye specialists that can provide a number of different services; Optometrists are trained specifically to determine and improve visual perception through prescription glasses, contacts, and multifocal glasses. Ophthalmologists provide total eye care, from examinations and vision correction to the diagnosis and treatment of disease through medication and surgery. Visiting your optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam once every year is very beneficial.


Elea Kaplin is a social networking specialist and expert in cross-media promotion, currently working on promoting prescription eyeglasses. She is the Director of Marketing and Special Projects for – the easiest way to buy glasses online, which now offers free shipping on all US orders with the code FreeShip10.

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Saw Palmetto For Hair Regrowth – How to Regain Lost Hair Fast

Facing hair loss is a terrible personal experience and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. However, the fact is, more than half the world’s population is at risk of hair loss as they get older.

To be frank, there is no way to restore you hair if you are totally bald. Hair transplants may help, but the real cure is to make sure it doesn’t get worse when you still have strands of hair on your head. That is why it is so important to take the necessary treatment to stop further hair loss before you regret it.

So what is the best way to combat hair thinning problems? Are they any natural solutions that can help you to regrow your hair successfully?

Well, let me introduce to a powerful natural herb called Saw Palmetto. This herb has been used extensively in many hair restoration products nowadays. For those suffering from receding hairline symptoms, this herb is definitely something you should try. In fact, many people have seen wonderful success with this herb.

Here is why saw palmetto is good for treating hair loss.

First, it contains a nutrient called beta sitosterol. This substance is a plant-derived phytosterol derivative. Possessing restorative benefits for mild to moderate hair loss, it is a natural DHT-inhibitor towards the formation of dihydrotestosterone (one of the main causes for receding hairline).

When your DHT level is high, it can cause disruption in your hair follicles. This means your follicles is unable to receive nutrients which retards hair growth. When that happens, your hair structure weakens and the hair growth cycle is affected. This is a condition that happens in both men and women. It is called male or female pattern baldness.

Saw palmetto contains a large amount of fatty acids which are good for your scalp. It is one of the most popular herb that is used in anti hair loss products. So if you are looking for ways to prevent baldness, then this ingredient is something you would like.

It comes in several forms – including supplements and hair care products. But for the purpose of block DHT (the enzyme that causes hair to fall off), it is best to apply it on the scalp rather than eat pills to let it work from the inside.

Saw palmetto is a powerful herb that has the ability to restore your hair to its former glory. However, you need to be patient to see the results. Make sure you do not use any other scalp lotions unless cleared by your doctor. Having a head full of hair is possible, but you need to take action now.

And now, I want to share with you an all-natural, dermatologist-formulated solution to help slow thinning hair in both men and women. This wonderful hair loss remedy helps stop hair loss and stimulates healthy hair growth so you can grow new hair naturally.

Regain Your Youth – Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid rejuvenates your skin and reduces joint pains

Why are we losing youth faster and faster?
• Sedentary life style – sitting down in front of a computer at work, driving, lack of exercise
• Lack of nutrition – Unhealthy fast food
• Overexposure to sunlight – stronger sunlight due to global warming
• Pollution, cigarette smoke, alcohol, stress – they form free radicals which are main causes of aging fast

How can we stop fast aging process?

1. Stand up and walk around. Move.

– Sedentary life has consequences like overweight and weakening of bones and muscles. If you work at an office and perform most of the tasks on a chair, take some time to stretch and walk around. Also, watch your posture. Outside of work time, do not just sit down in front of the TV. Take some effort to go out for a walk to work out your bones and muscles.

– If you have joint pain or want to prevent joint pain, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Supplements can help you. Joint pain is caused by reduction of cartilage between joints, and HA helps strengthen this cartilage so that it functions as a cushion between joints. HA moisturizes the cartilage so that you can move around easier without pain. You can either get a HA injection or take supplements. Although injection will bring faster result, it can cost up to $ 800 and you need to repeat every 6 to 9 months. Therefore, we recommend preventing joint pain and treating joint pain with HA supplements such as tablets and pills.

2. Avoid strong sunlight and pollution. Use Hyaluronic Acid Skin Care Products

– Exposure to strong sunlight, pollution, and cigarette smoke will cause free radicals to form in our body. Free radicals are highly reactive unpaired electrons that damage various cells including skin cells in our body. Avoiding strong sunlight and pollution would be best to prevent fast aging of skin; however, if it is impossible to avoid them, we recommend using hyaluronic skin care products and supplements. Although our body has HA already, often it is not enough, so it is crucial to increase the supply of HA in our body. HA repairs skin cell tissues by filling in the spaces of the tissues. Many clinical studies have proven that hyaluronic acid cream, serum, and supplements treat lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin as well as acne scars.

3. Eat healthy! Consume anti-oxidants!

– A key to healthy life is definitely eating balanced meals. With today’s fast foods, Americans are eating less and less vegetable and more and more fat. Many vegetables and fruits like asparagus, avocado, carrot, broccoli, and citrus fruits contain molecules called antioxidants. Antioxidants can fight the free radicals to prevent critical damages to cells, so they slow down fast aging process. Antioxidants are also available in supplements and antioxidants are generally safe to take since they come from natural fruits and vegetables. However, since too much vitamin A can be harmful, you should not exceed recommended daily dosage.

Hyaluronic Acid Side Effects

Studies have shown that there are no serious side effects associated with Hyaluronic Acid Supplements. Although a few people had irritated skin after using hyaluronic acid products, the number is small enough to accept its safety.


Sedentary life style, lack of nutrition, exposure to strong sunlight and pollution weakens our body and makes us age faster and faster.

Many people are suffering from joint pains and unhealthy skin, and hyaluronic acid can help with both symptoms. Hyaluronic acid cream, serum, and supplements can relieve you from joint pains and help you regain your youthful body.

Vision Without Glasses Review – Can You Regain Your Eyesight Naturally?

Vision Without Glasses is an eBook that clearly explains everything you would want to know about your eyesight. How we were all born with excellent vision and how the conditions we are faced with throughout the years can hurt or even damage our eyesight to the extent that we are strapped permanently with eyeglasses, contacts or even the prospect of surgery.

Vision Without Glasses shows you how you can naturally regain your eyesight through exercises as well as techniques you can use on a daily basis. Vision Without Glasses also goes into a detailed explanation of the type of circumstances we are faced with on a daily basis that can cause our eyesight to start slowing deteriorating over the course of time and what we can start doing today to reverse the damage that has already been done.

Although I was very skeptical myself, I wasn’t looking forward to the prospect of wearing glasses for the rest of my life. For the cost of dinner for two, I purchased this eBook, read the whole thing through, started applying what was recommended and started seeing the results for myself. It made perfect sense to me that if you can repair your body through exercise, eating right and a good positive attitude, why can’t we do the same with your vision! The problem is, we are never taught how.

Your eyes have muscles as well, which require exercising in order to remain strong. Without the proper exercise, your muscles will eventually get weaker and your eyes won’t function to the extent they did when we were young. By following these simple and easy exercises and techniques, it has been proven over the years that people of any age with any type of visual problems or defects can improve their eyesight naturally.

Vision Without Glasses is a proven technique of how we can regain our eyesight through natural methods. Wearing eyeglasses, contact lens or having surgery will not cure your eyesight. These types of crutches will only delay what is inevitable if the problem isn’t corrected. Vision Without Glasses can help you accomplish this through natural methods. This is a must read for anyone eager to toss those crutches away for good.

Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner and she enjoys helping others find the same success.

How To Treat Weak Eyesight Fast And Effectively

Eyesight is one among the birth gifts required for the healthy living of people. As per research, weak eyesight is found to be as a common health disorders reported in hospitals. Multiple causes contribute in forming eye disorders. Closely watching of TV for long period of time, weakness of brain, digestive disorders and vitamin A deficiency due to malnutrition are some among the important causes leading way to the formation of weak eyesight troubles. Treatments for curing eye disorders are usually suggested according to the actual cause of problem. Intake of vitamin A enriched food items is a common recommended natural technique to treat poor eyesight. Best recommended food items with high concentration of vitamin A include liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, lettuce and butternut squash.

For attaining best result, those people suffering from weak eyesight are advised to include a good amount of vitamin A enriched food items in their diet schedule. Apart from improving eyesight, intake of vitamin A enriched food items also helps in boosting immune function, enhancing gene transcription and improving skin health.

Similar to vitamin A deficiency, low level of vitamin C is another main cause for the formation of poor eyesight. Intake of vitamin C enriched food items is a best recommended remedial measure to treat poor eyesight problems. This natural technique builds up collagen in eyes and promotes healthy vision naturally. Citrus fruits like lemon and oranges are found to be very useful for treating weak eyesight problems. It is a best recommended remedial measure for treating eye problems due to aging. Including vitamin C enriched food items in diet cures glaucoma and prevents the risk of cataracts. Consuming food items with omega 3 fatty acids is found to be very effective for treating poor eyesight. Examples of food items with high value of omega 3 fatty acids include tuna, mackerels and sardines.

Following healthy lifestyle is a best recommended remedial measure for treating weak eyesight. As per research made on patients, alcoholism is found to be as a main cause for the formation of weak eyesight. In order to reduce the risk of weak eyesight problems, it is advised to limit or avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Practicing eye exercise is a safe technique to treat poor eyesight problems. Those people suffering from eye problems are advised to do eye exercise by moving eye balls in clockwise and in anticlockwise direction. Focusing on thumb finger by moving it towards and away from eyes is another common eye exercise suggested by health practitioners.

Washing eyes with triphala water is a natural technique prescribed to treat weak eyesight troubles. It provides a cool effect on eyes and improves vision without inducing any adverse action on user. In order to achieve maximum result, it is advised to daily wash eyes using triphala water. This natural remedial measure has been used for centuries for the treatment of eye problems. Intake of amla powder with honey is another effective cure used for the treating weak eyesight problems. Today you can easily get amla extracts from market in the form of capsules.

Read effective Improve Weak Eyesight, Eye Supplement. Also know Immune Boosting Supplements. Read about Improve Memory Supplements.

Dr Easton Patrick

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