How to Improve My Eyesight – Tips for Using Your Diet for Enhancing the Quality of Your Vision

Having poor eyesight is really frustrating. You will not be able to see clearly underwater when you go swimming. You will not be able to go anywhere without eye glasses or contact lenses. You will not be even admitted to jobs that require 20-20 vision. Thus, you may not be able to become a pilot, an astronaut, a soldier, or a flight attendant. Poor eyesight is really a hindrance that is why most people search for ways on how to improve their eyesight. “But what are these ways on how to improve my eyesight?” you may ask.

Well, there are actually plenty of ways. Most of them will not even require you to spend a huge sum of money. A person who asks himself “What are the ways on how to improve my eyesight?” often overlooks the important role of nutrition to vision improvement.

For instance, salmon is one of the foods that help improve eye health. It contains Omega-2 fatty acids, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D. Garlic is also ideal. It is rich in sulfur which is vital in maintaining the resilience of the lenses of the eyes. Moreover, if you think that chocolate is not good for you, then you must think again. Dark chocolate contains flavanoids which help protect the blood vessels of the eyes. Hence, the eye lens and the cornea will remain strong as years pass.

These are only some of the foods that will help enhance the quality of your vision. You should know that diet is very important if you want to have better eyesight. If you maintain a healthy diet, you will no longer wonder “how to improve my eyesight.”

Do you want to discover how to enhance your vision using nothing but naturally proven methods which are Safe, easy yet very effective? If yes, then you must get a copy of the Vision Without Glasses Manual.

Click here ==> Vision Without Glasses, to discover what you can do so as to naturally enrich your eye sight.

Related posts: vision without glasses review, better eyesight without glasses or contact lenses, review of the vision without glasses e-book

Natural Perfect Vision Scam -If you would like to learn how to improve your eyesight quickly and safely

After more than 31 years as a certified optometrist, it took a major discovery to completely change my life and my practice as an optical doctor.

I discovered the work of Dr. William Bates and it profoundly shooked me to the core when I realized:

*Why glasses and contacts are almost guaranteed to destroy your eyesight over time… (and how you can reverse this effect naturally!)

*The undeniable reason why optometrists are so misinformed to Dr. Bates natural vision improvement… (No, it’s NOT a big conspiracy of self-interest or profit that most people think!)

*Dr. W.H. Bates hidden but obvious secret that speeds up eye recovery at more than 450% and massively improves Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight), macular degeneration, eyestrain, Glaucoma and more within 8 weeks of starting the program…

If you would like to learn how to improve your eyesight quickly and safely… without drugs, without risky surgery and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

You may wonder why your doctor or optometrist never told you about the natural alternatives to harmful glasses, contact lenses or expensive and dangerous laser surgery.

As a professional optometrist, I can assure you… it’s NOT some big greedy conspiracy in the optometry industry.

Almost every eye doctor truly believe THEY KNOW BEST…and quite frankly they ought to. But the downside is that it makes less room for consideration to better alternatives.

Listen, the discovery led to a complete breakdown of my current practice. It took me 30 years of research to reshape my entire perspective.

So it’s not your doctor’s fault and there is no use blaming them. More importantly, be glad that you’ve been fortunate enough to benefit from my years of research… and have the opportunity to discover the proven and reliable way to restore your natural vision abilities.

As you may already know, Lasik surgery is both expensive and a risky alternative. A complete eye surgery will cost more than $ 4000 and there is NO GUARANTEE that your vision will be restored.

As a matter of fact, there are medical reports of worsening conditions a few months after eye surgery.

Whats more, in 2008, the FDA actually officially stated that they would do a full re-evaluation of the safety of laser eye surgery, specifically due to the high amount of complaints it receives on the subject every month.


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Herbal Remedies That Can Improve Your Eyesight – 5 Remedies You Should Try

You cannot have perfect eyesight forever. As one get older, the functions of the eyes get weak. Macular degeneration, which is an age related vision problem, it is caused by the weakness of the retina. It makes the inner part of your vision hazy and blurry.

There are also various things that might contribute to the weakening of the parts of the eye. For instance, the rays of computer monitor coupled with constant eye strain caused by extended staring at the computer screen might speed-up eyesight degeneration. Repeatedly exposing your eyes to the sun’s heat might also affect your eyesight.

Surgeries cannot bring back the perfection of your eyesight. However, you can considerably slow-down the weakening of your eyesight and greatly improve your state. Try utilizing some of the herbal remedies. There are few remedies suggested by specialists that are mentioned below:

Carrots: They are loaded with minerals and vitamins such as manganese, beta carotene, calcium and iron. If you have weak vision functions currently, you will benefit from these minerals and vitamins. Try intake of carrot juice every day. Mix together one standard sized carrot together with milk and ice. You can in addition to this add honey to perk up the flavor.

Spinach: This is a great resource for amino acids. Human body needs hefty amount of amino acids so as to function healthy. These acids are required for the creation of keratin, which supports skin functions, nails and hair. They are also necessary in promoting improved eye sights. It stops the early weakening of the eye muscles.

Chicory: Chicory is an herb which has a great supply of Vitamin “A”. It contains corrective and connective properties that might help stop eye weakness. It also cures nerve injuries around the eyes. With the root of this herb make a mixture of half a tea-spoon of its powder add half a tea-spoon of honey. Consume it twice a day.

Herbal Eye Supplements: Herbal supplements made of eye toning herbs help improve eyesight and vision. One of the widely used and trusted eyesight supplements is I-Lite capsule. It also improves color perception and day and night vision. If I-Lite capsule is used regularly for 2 to 3 months it will improve your eyesight and increases vision clarity.

Hope above herbal remedies will help you in improving eyesight. A healthy diet rich in green leafy vegetables especially spinach is very beneficial for eyes. Also include fresh fruit, juices and milk in your daily diet plan.

Read about Weak Eyesight supplements. Also know Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight. Read more Home Remedies for Muscle Cramps.

James Napier

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Omega 3 Fish Oils and Retina Health ? Improve Your Vision and Protect Your Eyesight

There’s no doubt about it, the link between omega 3 fish oils and retina health has been firmly established. Find out how these natural oils can help to preserve your eyesight and provide many other important health benefits.

It is in fact a type of omega 3 fatty acid known as DHA that provides the benefits. This fat is a major structural component of the eye membranes and responsible for maintaining their thickness and fluidity.

It is essential for maintaining the correct functioning of the photoreceptor cells and helps to protect them from the sun’s strong UV rays.

The US National Eye Institute says that omega 3 reduces the risk of age related blindness by over 30% in a recent study and found that it helps the eyes by acting as an anti-inflammatory.

An English study had similar results, reporting that taking daily fish oils helps to slow down or even stop age related eye disease (AMD).

These types of eye condition are increasingly common and affect mainly the over 55’s. Part of the reason is the decreasing consumption of fish because of the toxic load they carry and the fact that the body cannot make them, so they must come from the diet.

Of course it is not only your eyes these polyunsaturated fats can help with. They can cut your risk of a premature heart attack by up to 40%, lower high blood pressure, help to boost your immune system and promote good brain health.

You will find that not only does your vision improve but that you are able to think more clearly and have a better memory.

How to find the best oils for the maximum benefits

It goes without saying that you should look for fish oils that are rich in DHA omega 3 fats. The best ratio is 2:1 DHA to EPA. Many supplements have this the other way round as EPA is cheaper to use and easier to source.

I would recommend you get at least 270mg of DHA in each 1000mg capsule. Check out the company’s website or the bottle label to see the individual levels.

Some companies also offer premium oils that have added antioxidants like astaxanthin. As well as being beneficial to the skin, helping to reverse aging, this antioxidant has also been shown to reduce eyestrain and improve visual function.

If you are serious about protecting your vision in the future or want to naturally reduce the symptoms of an existing condition, selecting the right omega 3 fish oils will have a very positive impact.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

Discover the purest and most effective omega 3 fish oil today.


Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 fish oils he recommends after extensive research.

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Improve Eyesight Without Surgery – Save Your Eyes and Your Money

Some people with vision problems think that the only solution to their problem is eye surgery. This is the reason why even though surgery is a very expensive procedure, it is still very popular.

What people are not aware of is that to improve eyesight without surgery is possible and that there are natural proven methods for improving eyesight. One of the most popular methods to improve eyesight without surgery is called the Bates method which was developed by Dr. William Horatio Bates, an opthalmologist who practiced during the early parts of the 20th Century. According to the Bates Method, eyesight can be improved through the use of a series of simple eye exercises that almost anyone can do.

Surgery may be effective in relieving some of the most common eye problems but the high price tag that comes with it is keeping it from being a practical solution for many individuals.

The safety of eye surgery is also questionable. It is a very risky procedure that can cause several possible eye complications including complete blindness. If you want to save your eyes and save money at the same time and avoid the risks that come with eye surgery, then one of the things that you can do is to try the safer and cheaper alternative which is the Bates Method.

The Bates Method is based on the principle that eye problems are as much caused by psychological problems as they are caused by physiological factors. One of the most common causes of eye problems, according to Dr. Bates is stress and this is why his method involves relaxation exercises that relieve stress and pressure from the mind and body.

The Bates Methods can be considered as holistic approaches to improve eyesight without surgery. Many people have already benefited from this method so maybe it is time that you took advantage of it as well.

If you’re sick and tired of having to use glasses or contact lenses and can’t afford the risk and expense of laser eye surgery, then you’d benefit from a natural way to improve eyesight. Take a look at this simple and easy to use guide that has been used successfully for years to treat eyesight problems naturally ==> Improve Your Eyesight Without Surgery.

How to Improve Eyesight Using Simple and Effective Eye Relaxation Techniques

Eye strain is the main cause of vision defects. Improving one’s eyes can be done effectively using simple techniques that will make the eyes relax. Eyeglasses help improve our vision and could make the view of the world clear in an instant but that comes with a disadvantage that you don’t want to take for granted. Eyeglasses can actually weaken your eyes.

Just like any other sport activity or skill, one needs training to be good at it. Good news! You can train your eyes too. Knowing the causes of eye problems can easily help us identify what our weaknesses are and determine what we can do to improve that. Yes, you can train your eyes, targeting the ocular muscles. Eye muscles get tired too. Imagine the work they do everyday. We do a lot of reading, exposure to light from both natural and artificial sources like watching tv. Just by opening our eyes, we are making our eyes tired and without proper training, our eye condition will continue to get worse. It’s like a boxer facing an opponent with no training at all. So the best way to train our eye muscles is to relax them. It may sound so easy but my question is, do you know how to do it? When eyes get relaxed, they can come back to the natural state just like when we were much younger. Then, eyesight will eventually improve.

When your eyes are tired or you have done much work in front of your computer screen, try to relax by focusing your energy on your palm. Other people call it “palming” but this is actually called something else among the non-traditional healers who project energy through the hands or palms. The basic concept is something like “pranic healing” or “energy healing”. The term “palming” just make it sound so simple. The term pranic healing sounds like the not-for-me-kind-of-thing because of the term that is not commonly used. Anyway, to make it simple, find a quiet place for you to relax without any disturbance from children or co-workers. Turn off your cell phone for awhile and just feel the moment. Close your eyes and try to free your mind from worries and other concerns. Then, rub your palms until you generate a certain mild comforting warmth. Cover your eyes using your palms. Feel the energy which is represented by heat coming from your hands. This is supposed to bring some form of relaxation during a stressful day. If you do this correctly, you will get great benefits from it.

This is just one of the methods that you can use to relax your strained eye muscles. Eye relaxation is the first step towards improved eyesight.

Now that you are aware of the initial relaxation technique, you are ready for the next few lessons to help improve your vision Other articles and informative health materials can be found on this site –

Information How to Improve Eye Vision and Eyesight without Glasses

Eye conditions myopia, astigmatism and blurred vision defects like without glasses is a common theme among many people is that you can not cure. Have to wear glasses or contacts so that their whole lives, but so far there are several ways to improve vision without glasses, but it should be. Eye exercises, stretching, doing things like eyes and the eyes, including massage. That’s why you have poor vision without glasses can improve, get into action very pleased.


If you experience eye strain when looking at these things without a great help to provide a glass eye exercises can improve. Water, water fills the palm of the hand eye exercises began to wash the eyes and face. You are under water, your eyes blink a few times and it would be helpful. The more pressure you apply it in the palm of your hand and then prove to be very helpful if you close your eyes will focus on the darkness. How To Improve Eye Vision And Eyesight Without Glasses


Over the next 5 minutes, holding each position, which is helpful to move the eye in different directions. Follow the same procedure for the first 5 to 6 times in all directions, would be more beneficial to them. If proven to be very refreshing for the eyes and some times barked. Seal helped to cement the middle of things that should not be accepted.


Massage is always an eye to improve vision without glasses massage, every part of the body helps to improve the health and performance. Eye massage the face and hands with cold water to wash, soak in warm water and towel on head, neck, and cheek rubbing followed. If you rub your eyes serious, but be careful that your fingers do not rub your eyes and forehead. It’s light and you feel pain or discomfort to any great massage.


It’s not the glass that helps to increase the tension developed long stretch eye, can not be ignored. Eye strain, which proved to be very relaxing, stretching the eye is easily seen by both eyes and can pataviyila 10 seconds. After looking over this distance and 10 seconds each time, then down, then followed. Eye movements of 10 seconds each time to keep the stretch and strain to remove support and encourage a good view.


Elongation of the eye or eye exercises can help improve vision without glasses at the end of the grip is. Palming Sit in a chair until they are warm, start rubbing your palms together and not bisa.Jadi, even in the dark and breathe slowly and carefully, and visualizing pleasant scenes. Nice to see a big relief from eye strain and held for 3 minutes each.

You must manage your stress to improve your eyesight

Researchers define stress as a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Simply put, stress is any outside force or event that has an effect on our body or mind.

Depending on the stressors and the types of changes or events we are dealing with, stress can manifest itself physically, emotionally and/or mentally.

Physical – this occurs when the body as a whole starts to suffer as a result of a stressful situation. Symptoms can manifest in a variety of ways and vary in their seriousness.

The most common physical symptom is headaches because stress causes people to unconsciously tense their neck, forehead and shoulder muscles. However long-term stress can lead to digestive problems including ulcers, insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure, nervousness and excessive sweating, heart disease, strokes and even hair loss

The concept of managing stress is much easy to say then to do. While some people are pros at stress management; other people can only take a little bit before they start screaming and pulling out their hair. Stress happens each and every day so learning how to best deal with the stress is an important and necessary step.

The first step in managing stress is discovering what it is that is stressing you out. If you have no idea what is causing stress, it is really hard to find solutions to the problems. For almost every problem there is a solution. If you are always late, start setting the clocks ahead 10-15 minutes. If you’re to do list is overwhelming, cut out the things that are not top priority and deal with them at a later date. If traffic gets you going, take a new route to work that is less crowded.

Work is almost always the number one stressor in people’s lives. Most people feel overwhelmed with the amount of work they always have, but never ask for help and always take on more. Learn to say no. Saying no isn’t going to get your fired; it tells your boss you are aware of your limits and you have just reached them. It is better to complete five amazing projects, then seven or eight mediocre ones. If the work load is too much, talk to your boss or co-workers and let them know you need help.

Simple relaxation techniques can help reduce the stress in your live. Take deep breaths. Close your eyes for a few moments and allow them to relax. Look around and away from the computer a three or four times an hour. Too much strain or stress on the eyes will only cause vision problems later.

Practice giving half a dozen rapid and very light blinks, shut the eyes lightly for the space of two whole breaths, and repeat four times. This little routine, practiced regularly, twice or more a day, will, especially if followed by a brief spell of palming, help to establish the correct tone in the muscles of the eyelids and develop better habits of blinking. No more than a few seconds should pass between one blink and the next. As a very rough guide, between two and four blinks in each period of ten seconds is about right.

For the first 20 years of my career, I owned an ophthalmology practice. Take the first step to make your eyesight improve without glasses, contact lenses or expensive surgery here: Improve eyesight

Improve Eyesight by Consuming Seacod


It is all about making the cut and being ahead of everyone today. Right from a young, tender age, kids are made to realize that it is essential to outshine others in almost every activity. To make sure that their kids are the best at everything they do, parents enroll their kids for a number of classes making their young lives completely busy. They keep running from one class to another and these results in kids skipping meals, not having the right intake of nutrients etc. This definitely takes a toll on their health and finding kids with thick glasses right from a young age is not an uncommon sight anymore. In spite of being good in various other activities, health is a factor that is primary concern to most of the parents. They look for alternatives to improve eyesight of the kids, strengthen bones, sharpen memory power etc.

If this is your concern as well too, you needn’t look any further. Seven seas cod liver oil capsules are known to have properties that improve eyesight and provide a number of additional benefits to the body in a completely holistic manner. This is a key factor that attracts a number of people since there are n o side effects whatsoever. In fact, the properties of this capsule are so high that most doctors suggest this capsule for nutritional benefits.

Seven seas cod liver oil capsules not only improve eyesight but provide a number of other advantages to the body as well. This can be consumed by everyone above the age group of four or all those who can comfortably swallow the pills. You can also cut the capsule and pour the contents into your child’s mouth. This is extremely useful and you will definitely be able to see the result over a period of time.

If you wish to improve eyesight or get the various numerous advantages from seven seas cod liver oil capsules, you can consume two tablets twice a day and see a marked difference. This is perfectly safe for everyone to use without having the fear of side effects. In fact, pregnant women can also safely consume these capsules without any hesitation.


Experienced to solve health related issues & problems, Expert dietitian & dietary, nutritional & vitamin supplement consultants for more information visit here:

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Alternative Yet Effective Ways to Get Better Eyesight


Thanks to modern medical science, there are now different procedures that you can use to improve your eyesight; the latest and greatest of which is Lasik eye surgery. The only problem with eye surgery is that they can be quite expensive and should only be used as a last resort. Thankfully, there are some natural ways of improving eyesight that are not too much of a burden on your wallet. In this article, you will be learning about several methods of getting better eyesight and eliminating the need to use awkward and heavy glasses just so you can see properly.
Herbal Remedies
There are many natural herbs that are said to help improve a person’s vision, but the most popular of all is ginkgo biloba, which is a type of root crop similar to ginger. Ginkgo biloba is said to improve blood flow, this makes it easier for vitamins and nutrients that come from the foods that you eat, to make their way into the eyes and let it heal itself. 
You can also use passion flower to help make the blood vessels in and around the eyes to relax because strained eyes can also cause blurred vision.
A Healthy Diet
You may have learned from elementary school how carrots and other similarly colored vegetables can help improve eyesight, this is actually true and not just a ploy by your parents and teachers to get you to eat more vegetables. Carrots contain plenty of vitamin A, which is essential in keeping the eyes healthy and functioning properly. Other vegetables that you might want to include in your diet are kale, spinach, broccoli, avocado, blueberries, and others.
You should also eat fish that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, sardines, and tuna. Omega-3 does not just help improve the health of your eyes, it is also good for your heart; so you are getting two benefits in one.
Do Some Eye Exercises
It may sound weird, but there really are exercises that you can do to strengthen your eyes. By simply rolling your eyes in their sockets, and massaging the eyeballs gently, you can actually get better eyesight and also reduce the strain in your eyes that often cause mild headaches to severe migraine attacks.
The great thing about these eye exercises is that you can do them anywhere, even when you are in the office because they will only take a few minutes and can actually help relieve the stress on your eyes from staring at a computer monitor for hours. Just take a few minutes to rest and exercise your eyes before resuming with your work; this will actually make you work more effectively.
In Closing
These are just some of the many ways that you can get better eyesight without using any kind of prescription glasses or contact lens. Even if you can still see clearly you should start heeding these bits of advice, this way you can ensure that your eyesight will still be good in thirty or forty years as it is now.

If you are looking for better eyesight, click on the link. Or you can visit

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