Natural Vision Treatments


If your eyesight is faltering and you’re looking for a cure, natural vision treatments are available. Think for a moment about how important your eyes are to you. Your eyes, as they say, are the windows to your soul. Not only that, they also enable you to behold all of the beauty that exists in the world. Having your eyesight is a precious gift, and the thought of losing it is understandably terrifying. Of course, there are clinical treatments available, but there are also natural remedies that are worth looking into. Let’s discuss a few of those natural remedies, and perhaps you’ll be able to discover something that is right up your alley.
Proper Diet
When it comes to improving the health of your eye, natural treatment options are quite diverse. One of them that’s particularly effective is that of maintaining a proper diet. One thing in particular that you want to be sure is true of your diet is that it is rich in antioxidants. This is because antioxidants have been proven to be very effective in preventing the particular type of degeneration that is common in people’s eyes as the age. Also, it’s a good idea to cook these antioxidant rich foods in olive oil. This enables your body to more readily absorb them. These types of foods include green leafy vegetables, eggs, and, of course, carrots.
What You Drink
When it comes to maintaining the health of your vision, what you drink can be almost as important as what you eat. Various kinds of herbal teas are ideal in maintaining the health of your eyes. For example, ginkgo biloba and eye bright increase the circulation of blood to your eyes which is great for your optic health. Other types of herbal teas, such as chrysanthemum tea and peppermint tea, are also very good for the eyes, because such teas contain a very high amount of what are called carotenoids. Carotenoids been conclusively proven to be extremely beneficial to the health of your eyesight.
Another way to improve the health of your eyes is by utilizing nutritional supplements. Vitamin B is very effective, particularly in the form of what is known as pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid typically is available in 300 mg tablets which dissolve under your tongue. Be careful, though, because pantothenic acid can also heighten your alertness. This means that if you take it close to bedtime, it may interfere with your sleeping habits. Whether you’re using supplements, dietary changes, exercises, or any combination of the three, natural eye correction methods are very effective and very diverse.

For more information about natural eye treatment and eye correction visit our website

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A Natural Alternative To Laser Surgery For Eye Correction

Laser surgery for eye correction is a popular way to achieve perfect vision by millions of people. But now a new trend is emerging. Natural vision correction is being rediscovered as an alternative to expensive and sometimes risky Lasik surgery procedures.

Not everyone with less than perfect vision is eligible to undergo LASIK. The first determining factor is the age of the candidate. To be eligible, a patient must be at least 18 years old. However, older patients may have some problems as well. While age itself is not much of a concern as long as the patient is a legal adult, the effects of aging certainly are. Patients with cataracts or those suffering from presbyopia the inability of the eyes to quickly change focus, may not be suitable candidates. Potential patients should not have experienced a change in eyesight for at least one year. Further, a patient must be able to afford at least $ 299 to $ 1799 per eye for Lasik surgery.

Natural vision correction on the other hand can be safely practiced by virtually anyone and can be learned for less than $ 40. In the days before Lasik, many vision problems were corrected with simple eye exercise and stress relief procedures performed a few times daily over the course of several weeks. In China, many of these techniques are still taught to school children and enable them to maintain healthy eyesight throughout adulthood without the aid of glasses, lenses or the need for corrective surgery.

In the 1920s, Dr. William Bates spent years studying vision problems. He attended and graduated from Cornell University and became a teacher and researcher of ophthalmology in the New York area. Bates created many vision improvement methods and believed that anyone can see well without glasses. His methods were developed to teach the eyes ways to improve and heal themselves.

The Bates Method was developed to help school age children absorb more knowledge without straining their eyes. Bates Method is actually quite simple. He created a large chart full of common shapes and letters. The chart was placed on the wall in the front of the classroom and the children were encouraged to look over at the chart whenever they felt overwhelmed.
The Bates Method was implemented in schools and the teachers noticed a vast improvement in concentration and progress. The eyes were able to relax and the strain was removed. Coupled with a comprehensive eye exercise program, The Bates Method is now being used by thousands to restore eyesight naturally.

The Bates Method can be used by just about anyone. Eye charts are available which can be placed at home or in an office. Glancing at the card several times and performing simple eye exercises during the day to keep the eyes relaxed and alleviate eye strain is a simple and easy way to improve and maintain good vision. Small efforts to train your eyes to relax will help improve vision today and for the rest of your life.

More information on natural eyesight improvement and The Bates Method can be found at

More information on natural eyesight improvement and The Bates Method can be found at or send questions to

Natural Therapy For Diabetes

The basic principle of naturopathy is that the body has the ability to heal itself. It focuses on stimulating the body’s own vital force using these principles:

clean air and water
organic food
exercise and healthy living

Naturopaths are often trained in a range of skills which include herbalism, homeopathy, massage and nutrition and diet. The aim is to restore health and vitality by looking after the body in the way nature intended. Naturopaths believe that disease occurs when the body is thrown out of balance by the environment, genetic influence and destructive emotions – feelings such as hate or stress for example can upset hormone balance. This ties in perfectly with what the orthodox scientists believe are the trigger factors of diabetes.

Around the world there is a growing recognition of natural medicine, with the underlying belief that infections rarely take hold in bodies which are well cared for and well maintained. But naturopathy requires commitment from those receiving the treatment, and may call for whole changes to one’s lifestyle.

Dietary and nutritional advice will help all families with children with diabetes, A naturopath may recommend supplementing your child’s diet with magnesium and chromium, which are important for the uptake of insulin and glucose tolerance in the body. Herbal medicine may also be recommended. And although fasting, which is often used as a means of cleansing the body, is not appropriate for children with diabetes, the principles of healthy living can certainly be adopted, and will undoubtedly boost the immune system, which in turn will help the body to fight off infections more readily and keep blood glucose levels more stable.

Naturopaths take into account the whole child and are interested in the psychological significance of stress. They also like to encourage their patients to make changes to their lives, which result in healthier living.


Flower remedies are restorative and enjoyable, dealing with negative emotions by balancing energies and encouraging an enhanced sense of well being. They are useful for treating moods and the state of mind.

The remedies are made from the flowers of wild plants, bushes and trees. The best known are the Bach Flower Remedies named after the British homeopath, Dr Edward Bach, who created an original range of 39 remedies in the 1920s and 1930s. Other remedies are made throughout the world.

It is useful to match your child’s personality with an appropriate flower remedy, as each has its own characteristics. For children with diabetes try honeysuckle, which helps put the past in perspective, and cherry plum to deal with inner turmoil. Cerato will enable your child to trust her own judgment while crab apple is good for young people going through the turmoil of puberty, mimulus helps develop courage and red chestnut helps put fears into perspective. Bach’s Rescue Remedy is useful for reduce the after-effects of shock and trauma and stimulating the healing powers of the body. It helps in emergencies when your child feels panicky or shocked and will be a useful remedy to keep at home to deal with the after-effects of a hypo.

Flower remedies are completely safe and no contra-indications have been reported.

For more information about Natural Therapy For Diabetes, please check out our blog:

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Natural Perfect Vision Scam -If you would like to learn how to improve your eyesight quickly and safely

After more than 31 years as a certified optometrist, it took a major discovery to completely change my life and my practice as an optical doctor.

I discovered the work of Dr. William Bates and it profoundly shooked me to the core when I realized:

*Why glasses and contacts are almost guaranteed to destroy your eyesight over time… (and how you can reverse this effect naturally!)

*The undeniable reason why optometrists are so misinformed to Dr. Bates natural vision improvement… (No, it’s NOT a big conspiracy of self-interest or profit that most people think!)

*Dr. W.H. Bates hidden but obvious secret that speeds up eye recovery at more than 450% and massively improves Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), Presbyopia (Old-Age Sight), macular degeneration, eyestrain, Glaucoma and more within 8 weeks of starting the program…

If you would like to learn how to improve your eyesight quickly and safely… without drugs, without risky surgery and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

You may wonder why your doctor or optometrist never told you about the natural alternatives to harmful glasses, contact lenses or expensive and dangerous laser surgery.

As a professional optometrist, I can assure you… it’s NOT some big greedy conspiracy in the optometry industry.

Almost every eye doctor truly believe THEY KNOW BEST…and quite frankly they ought to. But the downside is that it makes less room for consideration to better alternatives.

Listen, the discovery led to a complete breakdown of my current practice. It took me 30 years of research to reshape my entire perspective.

So it’s not your doctor’s fault and there is no use blaming them. More importantly, be glad that you’ve been fortunate enough to benefit from my years of research… and have the opportunity to discover the proven and reliable way to restore your natural vision abilities.

As you may already know, Lasik surgery is both expensive and a risky alternative. A complete eye surgery will cost more than $ 4000 and there is NO GUARANTEE that your vision will be restored.

As a matter of fact, there are medical reports of worsening conditions a few months after eye surgery.

Whats more, in 2008, the FDA actually officially stated that they would do a full re-evaluation of the safety of laser eye surgery, specifically due to the high amount of complaints it receives on the subject every month.


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Eye Workouts to Enhance Vision – Natural methods to Improve Your Vision and Start Seeing Better

Eye exercises to improve vision are probably the most perfect option when it comes to natural eyesight improvement. These exercises will strengthen the eye muscles and prevent any dangerous eye conditions from developing. Within just two to three weeks of proper exercising, the improvement of the eyes will be seen. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that you do not need to exercise anymore after two or three weeks. You still have to perform the exercises everyday if you wish to maintain your good vision.

Blinking is one of the eye exercises to boost vision. While this exercise is often overlooked, it is absolutely helpful to keep the eyes fresh. When you blink, you see pure darkness momentarily; and this helps to keep your eyes fresh. It also gives way for new information to be processed by your brain. Hence, you avoid eye strain. If you are a frequent computer user or television watcher, chances are you blink less. So, you should ensure that you blink enough.

Another one of the eye exercises to boost vision is palming. It is done to relieve stress around the eyes. It’s also a natural way to help the eyes relax. If you feel tensed and stressed, your eyes will also feel the same. So, you must do palming for twenty minutes to be relaxed. To do this exercise, you must take a deep breathe. Then, cup your hands over your eyes and ensure that you blink freely. Do this for a few minutes each day, and you will soon see the difference. It may well not appear to be a real exercise, but it truly works.

Do you want to discover how to enhance your vision using nothing but naturally proven procedures that are Safe, easy yet very efficient? If yes, then you might want to get a copy of the Vision Without Glasses Guide.

Click here ==> Vision Without Glasses, to discover what you can do so as to naturally enrich your eye sight.

Do you wish to discover how to boost your vision using nothing but naturally proven methods which are Safe, simple yet very effective? If yes, then you should get a copy of the Vision Without Glasses Ebook.

Click here ==> Vision Without Glasses, to discover what you can do so as to naturally improve your eye sight.

Related: Eye Workouts to Sharpen Vision – Natural methods to Enhance Your Vision and Start Seeing Better

How to Strengthen Eyes – Natural Vision Improvement Tips and Tricks

A lot of people prefer natural methods over surgical procedures when it comes to improving their vision. While the natural methods may be effective, it takes quite a long time before they take effect. So, those who want to know how to strengthen eyes naturally must also know how to be patient and persistent.

They must realize that the exact period when they will see the results vary depending on a variety of factors. The degree of vision, for instance, is a crucial factor. Individuals who have really poor eyesight will need a longer time to improve their vision compared to those who only have moderately poor eyesight.

Nevertheless, with proper nutrition and adequate eye exercises, vision improvement will be achieved in no time. Having a healthy and balanced diet is one way on how to strengthen eyes. People should never underestimate the importance of proper diet to the eyes. Foods rich in beta-carotene such as carrots, apricots, mangoes, cantaloupes, and yellow and red peppers aid in improving overall vision. Foods rich in lutein such as kale, kiwi, spinach, broccoli, and citrus keep the eyes sharp and hinder macular degeneration. Also, foods rich in Vitamin E such as peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts help reduce the risk of cataracts.

On the other hand, exercises such as palming, blinking, vision shifting, sunning, swinging, and the Bates method are all essential steps on how to strengthen eyes naturally and safely. These exercises must be performed for several minutes everyday if one wants his vision to improve.

Do you wish to discover how to enhance your vision using nothing but naturally proven approaches which are Safe, simple yet very effective? If yes, then you need to get a copy of the Vision Without Glasses Ebook.

Click here ==> Vision Without Glasses, to discover what you can do so as to naturally enrich your eye sight.

Related content: vision without glasses review, vision without glasses or contact lenses, review of the vision without glasses e-book

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Natural Eye Exercises – Pros And Cons Of Different Vision Improvement Ways

Selecting the correct vision improvement method. Several people have concerns regarding that. With the many options available it’s necessary that we have a tendency to evaluate them carefully. When all, there is nothing quite like the feeling of satisfaction, comfort and security that we tend to receive when we know we have a tendency to’ve selected the right method. The one that helps us to protect and preserve the most precious sense we possess – The gift of sight.
Glasses – They are an exquisite tool helping millions to see clearly. They will either cramp or compliment your vogue and appearance requiring minimal maintenance.
But, they are doing not get to the root of what’s inflicting your vision problems. The focus is not on prevention but merely treating the condition. Have you ever ever noticed that after you take away your glasses your natural eyesight does not improve; it stays the same. If abused a relationship of dependence develops. This leads to a loss of visual independence.
Contacts- Here are some blessings of contacts- Once you set them on they are unnoticeable. They are doing not amendment your physical appearance. Like glasses they only treat the symptoms. The potential side effects embrace eye irritation and due to the very fact that they are available into direct contact with the cornea when worn, there’s a possible for complications like abrasions and eye infections.
Laser Surgery- It gives you the power to work out clearly while not glasses and contacts. It’s convenient as your vision is restored rapidly and it’s advantageous thanks to it’s quick recovery period.
Like any surgery there are risks. Thanks to the dearth of scientific research, the long-term effects of laser surgery are unknown. Once it’s done your eyes can not answer nutritional remedies. 10-twenty% of patients have reported facet effects- double vision, glare, halos, loss of vision lines and dry eye syndrome. In keeping with a press release from the president of Paragon Vision Sciences, the statistics indicate that of the 7. half dozen million folks who are proud of the results, 400, 000 have negative outcomes.
Natural eye exercises- All alternative ways of vision improvement only address one specific facet of eye health-clear vision. Eye health encompasses so several different components.
It’s regarding relieving the visual system of the stress and tension that we tend to are all exposed to in our faculties, faculties, workplaces and there are eye exercises for laptop users. It’s about relieving dry eye syndrome and providing the eyes with protection from degenerative diseases and disorders.
It’s about getting to the root causes of poor eyesight-poor nutrition and weakened eye muscles. Solving them with the correct nutrition and eye muscle exercises. Like any alternative muscle in the body the eyes would like exercise to achieve crystal clear natural eyesight. This helps us to attain that essential freedom and visual independence we have a tendency to crave.
Some may object to the fact that eye exercises for vision need a lot of effort on our part than other vision improvement alternatives. However is not your freedom from glasses and contacts worth a small sacrifice of only minutes every day?
The value of that effort becomes even clearer once we contemplate the quantity of time spent waiting in the optometrist’s office. Moreover as the time spent putting them on and taking them off.
A final objection is that the time taken to work out results. Certain the keys to success at such a program are diligence, consistency and a very little bit of patience. But why would not you wish to develop these virtues? These are necessary virtues and disciplines that extend into other areas of your life that lead to your success. Thus, why would not you wish to develop them? Furthermore, vision training is endorsed by the Yank Optometrist Association in it’s medical journal.
There are many different ways of vision improvement. Eye health is thus abundant additional than clear vision. When selecting a methodology let or not it’s the one that enhances your overall eye health. This approach, you’ll be in a position to revive the whole foundation on which your vision was designed, preserving and protecting it for a lifetime.

Jeff Patterson has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Eyes Vision, you can also check out his latest website about

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Eye Care Natural Tips and Exercise for Pediatric Ophthalmology

Our vision is one of those wonderful gifts most of us take for granted. The only time we even have cause to think regarding our vision as such is when we think about a blind self who has no vision at all, or our own idea begins to fail us.

Person aware of the importance of protecting your idea can help you to avoid problems with it in the prospect. Your eye care a part of the remains like the skin that you can do belongings to slow the aging process of using certain precautions that take little time to apply and can make a world of difference later in life.

Natural Tips on Eye Care

Enough Rest

The most used part of our body is the eyes. Have you notice that you obtain migraines from powerful especially during the night when you encounter bright lights from other cars? I classically have them. I establish out that healthy rested eyes would denote lesser migraines. Rest is one vital role in taking mind of your eyes.

Proper Diet

Fruits and vegetables are a great diet in taking care of your eyes. Regularly yellow fruits and vegetables are the greatest ones. These fruits and vegetables are extremely wealthy in beta carotene. Papaya, mangoes, squashes, and yet spinach can be a large source of beta carotene. This type of food can help get better and maintain superior health for your eyes.

Drink Lots of Water

The skin around our eyes is very thin and underneath it is full of blood vessels. Drinking a lot of water can stop puffiness approximately our eyes. Do you know why our eyes develop into swollen at period? Our corpse has defense means that every time we are dehydrated our body retains some water thus resulting to puffiness. Drinking eight or additional glasses of water a day can assist detoxify our body.

Avoid Excessive Rubbing

Our eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. The most excellent thing you should do in attractive care of your eyes is to keep away from rubbing them. This act will only make your eyes extra irritated.

The top thing you ought to do is to blink them. If a number of alien matters come into your eyes, it is best to clean them with milk. Milk is a usual cleanser that will not reason further irritation in your eyes.

Use Sunglasses

During sunny days I make sure that I wear sunglasses when I venture out in the daylight. This will lend a hand shield my eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. While you are latent it helps to put cucumber slices or tea baggage below your eyes. These can stop dark circles and wrinkles from appear about your eyes.

Eye Exercise

Yes! There is also a little form of keep fit for the eyes. Exercising your eyes can provide enough oxygen and can create them function much better. I smooth find these exercises relaxing. I find moment in time in between work to close my eyes for 30 seconds then I am in motion my eyeballs around.

I move my eyeballs from left to right and then up and down. A new exercise I would perform to prevent blurred vision is to hold a pencil at arms length and slowly bring it in towards my nose. Be sure to keep your eyes listening carefully on the pencil.

You may be interested in reading Beautiful Eyes and Dry Eyes Treatment . Also visit Eye drops for Pain in Eyes

Improve eyesight by means of natural remedies

Thanks to all the yoga masters, saints and dieticians, following good diets plans and using natural remedies for any health issue have become a trend on their own. People these days have become exceedingly self conscious about how they look and their fitness. Size zero is the most recent trend and people are switching to any methods, natural or artificial, to achieve that ultra slim size. Luckily for them, there are a lot of natural ways like yoga that can help them easily to reach their desired fitness levels.

Natural remedies are in great demand for a lot of reasons. Due to the pollution and people’s lifestyles, people all around the world are facing a lot of wellbeing issues. There are a huge number of obese or unhealthy people who constantly keep on eating fast foods like burgers, sandwiches and whole lot of other unhealthy ready to eat meals. On top of that, everyone these days is busy and live stressful lives. Even children and teenagers are constantly under pressure and are always stressed about competition and other such issues. Thus, a lot of health issues like low immunity, bad digestion, headaches and other such common day to day illnesses are affecting people.

A big modern day vice is the computer and television. People spend so much time in front of their screens that their eyesight has been suffering. People are now looking for ways to improve eyesight with as natural a way as possible.

You eyesight is one of the most important things you need to function and work each day of your life. In fact, we might as well say that our eyesight is just as important to us as breathing is. There are a lot of reasons why eyesight problems occur to a lot of people. Some of them that are listed below:

Heredity issues,

spending too much time in front of the television or laptop
dryness in eyes
deficiency of Vitamin A and Vitamin C
more than desired exposure to the sunlight and radiation
Insufficient light in your work area
Stretched periods of straining the eyes
Illnesses such as diabetes, brain tumors or strokes
Even certain medications such as antihistamines and malaria as well as malaria pills
Internal eye bleeding

But worry not! Natural remedies are very many and work as effectively as you can imagine. Many herbs like Gingko Biloba, Bilberry, Passion flowers, Fennel seed tea, Honey, Triphala powder, rose water, and potash alum in addition to million other herbs and fruits and flowers work wonders for the eyesight. They not only improve eyesight, but also rejuvenate, refresh and prevent them for any kind of issues or diseases.

Thus, nature has provided us with a remedy for every problem imaginable. It is up to us to use it effectively instead of harming ourselves further with chemicals and allopathic medicines.



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Natural Treatment To Improve Eyesight And Weak Eyesight Exercises

Regular eye exercise maintains perfect eyesight. One simple method of exercise is moving the eyeball – right and left; upwards and downwards and rotating it in the clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.

Another simple way of protecting of eyes is through ‘palming’. Rub the palms of both hands for about 30 seconds, close the eyes and gently place the warm palms over the eyes.
Read more on Eye Health and Swami Ramdev Yoga

Eyesight Weakness is a normal difficulty of the day. Even loving aged school going children may also be seen using glasses due to feeble eyes.

Heat and Weakness of brain is a major reason of weak eyesight. Long over and closely surveillance of TV.

Incessant reading in a dominant light, digestive chaos, unbalanced eating and living habits and lack of vitamin A in food are also answerable for weak eyesight. In maturity, excessive worry and use of alcohol also create weakness of eyes.

Causes of Weak Eyesight

Heat and Weakness of brain is a major reason of weak eyesight. The morbid matter eliminating by means of Common Cold if concealed by wrong treatment, also adversely effects the eyes.

Beside this, longover and closely surveillance of TV, continuous reading in a powerful light, digestive disorder, unbalanced eating and living habits and lack of vitamin A in food are also responsible for weak eyesight.

Weak Eyesight Exercises

1. Palming: – To rest and relax your eyes, sit contentedly in front of a table, resting your elbows on a stack of cushions high enough to bring your palms easily to your eyes without stooping forward or looking up.

2. Swinging: – Relax and keep the eyes movable. Stand up and focus on a distant point, swaying gently from side to side. Repeat 100 times daily, blinking as you sway.

Blinking cleans and lubricates the eyes, which is especially important if you use up a lot of time in front of a computer.

3. Remember to keep your gaze at shoulder level. You may raise your fingers or stick two ballpoint pens on your shoulders to guide you.

Place them in a convenient way so that you are able to clearly see them when you move your eyes left and right.

4. Look as far as possible and inhale then look down as far as possible and exhale. Blink your eyes more than dozen times. Do the similar procedure by turning to your left and right then diagonally up to left, down to right, up to right and down to left followed by rapid blinking.

Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight

1. Cleaning the eyes regularly by splash water 3-4 times a day prevents all sorts of eye infection.

2. Pain in the eyes due to long hours of computer work can be reduced by blinking the eyes 5-6 times.

3. Exercising the eyes by rotating the eyeballs in clock wise and anti clockwise direction for 10-15 times provides relaxation.

4. Inflammation and swelling of the eyes can be abridged by simply placing used tea bags over them for half an hour.

5. Potato is very effective home remedy in curative mild eye problems. Placing potato slices over the eyes for 10-15 minutes, removes tired looks from the eyes and restores the glow.

6. Similar application with cucumber slices also produces the same effect.

7. Regular intake of food enriches with Vitamin A and C improves vision and prevents eye problems.

8. Including spinach in the diet is very beneficial in increasing the eyesight.

Read more on Eye Health and Swami Ramdev Yoga and Herbal Medicines

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