CEwire2022 Has Exceeded 3,000 OD Participants! Interactive Show May 14-15

CEwire2022: The Largest CE Conference in Optometry is Back!
With 60 Interactive & On Demand COPE CREDITS


The first two interactive CEwire2022 events are in the books, and remarkably we’ve had over 3,000 ODs participate in the events, watching over 50,000 hours of COPE-approved CE!

Join us at the CEwire2022 Interactive Event on May 14 & 15.

OR watch ON DEMAND at your own pace and on your own schedule through December 1, 2022.

Discuss the changes here & feel free to ask any questions about CEwire2022 as well. Hope to see you there!

Learn more at http://curemydisorder.com/links/improve-eyesight-tedmaser-site