Apologies In Advance If This Question Belongs in Another Group…. But I need advice

I’m just trying to connect with someone Licensed in New York State who knows a lot about obtaining licensure in NY coming from another licensed state. I went to the website but I think getting a hold of a live person to answer my questions would be best. I just want to make sure I’m not skipping any steps involved. It takes SO long for the paperwork to process, like weeks, possibly months, I’d hate to delay things by skipping a major step. In short, I want to move to NY state (upstate) in the next year or so from VA (which is a licensed state) but I want to ecure a job there first. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t take a major hit in income going from VA to NY state, but cost of living plays a huge part I know and that’s not relevant to this thread. I’d really just love to discuss what’s involved with someone who knows about getting a NY Ophthalmic Dispensing license and get a few questions answered. I have tried to reach someone from NYSSO by phone and by email now with no success yet.

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