Dr. Peter McCullough / Joe Rogan Interview

I’m guessing y’all didn’t listen/watch the interview?

I’m curious to what was said was ‘dis-information?’ Who decides on that btw? Google? Fauci?

I don’t know people’s history, nor am I fan of Joe Rogan or Dr. Peter’s. Didn’t know much about either before listening.

Dr. Peter is 100% right, that there is no push/effort to treating people when they are diagnosed. ‘Stay home until you are dying’ is the universal message. It’s been 2 years…..why don’t we have some early treatment protocol that can help some people?

I’m sure all of you would go to the ends of the earth for a family member that was sick…..what can we do if to prevent hospitilization? Especially, since most people I know are already vaxxed?

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