Comment on Tori: Two Whole Diopters Less And Still 20/15??? by Otis

Tori writes in the forum:

Yesterday, my contact lenses arrived in an array of prescription strengths from -3.25 to -4.5. Since I have my Snellen chart, I put in my -4.00 lenses into my left eye (prescribed -4.50), opting for a larger reduction since I feel like my left eye was particularly over prescribed, and started with -3.50 (prescribed -3.75) in my right eye. Here were the Snellen results (at end of the day):

R: -3.50, still 20/15 and crystal clear
L: -4.00, between 20/30 and 20/40, but I can definitely make out the 20/40 line even though it is a little blurry.

So, I tried a -3.25 lens in my right eye, which was the lowest that I have:

R: -3.25, definitely 20/20, and can still make out 20/15


But wait, there’s more!

I was amazed by the fact that I could still make out 20/15 in my right eye, so, as an experiment, I went to my balcony and looked out with my right eye.

And … I’m going to cliff hanger the rest of this story.

cliffhangerNot cool.

Unless you have forum access, that is.  Then you can go find out exactly what Tori’s right eye saw from her balcony, and how 20/15 is sometimes not exactly living up to the sales pitch.

For casual readers:

Don’t get all tempted now to run out and buy yourself a whole bunch of different prescription contact lenses.  Not wise, that.  Until you understand how lenses affect your eyes, what to look for in good vision, and ideally a little bit of guidance and support,  focal plane change *is* absolutely not safe to just tinker with at will.

And also and obviously, none of this is prescription advice or medical advice.  Don’t ever go driving or otherwise engage in activities requiring prescriptions, without consulting someone properly licensed by local laws.



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