Comment on William: Patching Eyes & -5.00 to -3.00 Progress Report by Scott Schulte

William, in the forum:

Day 1 cm:

R: 20 (-5.00 contact)
L: 17 (-5.25 contact)

Day 75 starting patching( 15min left eye) at:

R: 27cm –> -3.00 contact: easy 20/25
L: 24cm –> -3.25 contact: hard 20/50

after 30 days, R eye progress has slowed a little, and the L eye is catching up:

R: 27.5 –> -3.00 contact: still easy 20/25
L: 25.5 –> -3.00 contact : hard but possible 20/30.

A question on single eye patching in there as well, which I covered.  (if you have forum access, here)

And then there’s Saad, posting via a blog comment (love to get blog comments):

Hey Jake!

Even though, I’m not part of the programme, I’ve been reading your blogs daily and been following you for a while (I don’t really comment always though)

You’re really an inspiration for me, just with the blogs, I’ve managed to reduce from -3.00 to -2.5 (from 32 cm to 42 cm or so!) in about 1 month of just changing my habits, using reduced prescriptions (Normalized & Differential) and doing active focus (which I managed to found somehow) both close up and far.

I really do hope to join the programme, in the future. Keep it up with the blogs, really love your mission.

#Endmyopia forever :)

There’s proof of what I keep telling people in e-mails:

You don’t need to buy anything from me, to fix your eyesight.

While my e-mail series does have a definite squeezey moment of encouragement (naughty Jake!), it’s meant mostly for those who need a little nudge.

Because it’s proven to be true:  If you spend money, you’re far more likely to take the project seriously.  Take action, get results.

But if you don’t want to spend money, you don’t actually have to.  All you miss out on is direct access to me and a structured approach.  Besides that, though?  I’m not withholding anything.  There are years worth of archives discussing reader questions, forum posts, progress reports, and how to’s.  And I add to them just about every day.

Why all that free work?

For one and to be honest, it’s great advertising.  How good is my paid student course, considering the quality level of even the free stuff?   Blows the mind, kittehs!  😉

And also, I’m not actually very money motivated.  We might dig into it in videos, you’ll see how I roll.  Simple small apartments, a kickstart motorbike, free workouts at the outdoor jungle gym.  I’m a simple creature, as long as I get some  plane tickets and tasty food.

I like fair trades, though.  Answering e-mails all day from people who are mostly not serious and usually obviously too lazy to have searched the blog first?  Meh.  That noise is cut down by 99% by adding a paywall between me and questions.   Totally worthwhile.

And ultimately, I sleep well at night knowing that anybody properly motivated can get all my material.  I’m not being a (complete) hypocrite, calling the optometry establishment greedy capitalists.

So there.  Whatever.

Cheers to Saad and the quite a few others who get good bits from the blog.  And comments, also add to the worthwhile-ness of all the things.

Oh.  One very last thing:

Colt, via e-mail:

Additionally, just as a heads up, I noticed quite a few spelling errors or typos in your emails, which fixing up would obviously improve your professional image.

Spell-checker, grammar-liker types.  Feel free to volunteer for a quick login to the e-mail dispenser.  I’m not entirely great at re-reading my content for those aspects.

Cheers, and thanks for all the help and encouragements.

– Jake

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