How To Improve Your Children Sight With Eye Exercise

If your teenager has eyesight disorder or just plain poor vision, it does not have to be an issue you should feel desperate about. Lately there is increasingly proof that simple eye exercise can have a lot of impact on sight improvement with adults, but with teens as well. . Eye exercise for natural vision improvement is a technique originally discovered by dr. Bates, and although this theory of eye exercise by dr. Bates has been questioned by his colleagues at a certain point, lately this method has become progressively comprehended as a natural hypothesis for eyesight improvement.
Dr. Bates philosophy lays on the presumption that a human eye reacts to exercise exactly as any other muscular tissue in our body – the eye muscular tissue becomes stronger with time. Most of eyesight problems are the result of lack of muscle purpose of the eye, so by nature, as the muscular tissue function improves, eyesight improves likewise.
This hypothesis of Dr. Bates has been put into question in his time largely because of his claims that traditional, conventional poor eyesight treatment does not do any good and in fact makes the sight even worse. Dr. Bates concluded that optical aids such as contact lenses and glasses usually prescribed for vision problems, does not take care of the main problem, which is lack of eye muscle purpose, but merely work out the issue of bad eyesight. This way the status of the eye does not improve, but in fact gets worse and finally the patient solely requires a new and larger prescription each year.
Dr. Bates recommended to his patients, as a result of his testing is to conduct a series of different eye exercises witch he has developed and proven to have effective results on different eye diseases and vision disorders. This eye exercise should be done on a steady basis and according to his instructions and first results can be noticed after solely 3-5 days of treatment.
More and more people each day start a eye exercise treatement by dr. Bates and most of them notice large eyesight improvement.This theory is applicable to adults, but to kids with vision problems likewise, so if your child has been diagnosed to have some type of sight disorder, you can try to combine conventional treatment recommended by your optician with series of eye exercises by dr. Bates.
At the end you do not have to be worried, because eye exercises are a completely safe and natural method that cannot make the vision problem worse in any way, but can significantly make the eye muscle stronger which will final result with sight improvement.

Find out how eye exercise work.