EyeZen Start

This 6 year old 20/20 magazine article frames what you are looking for well imho drk. The articles author may chime in as well!

“Traditionally, the term “20/Happy” was used to describe a prescription that balanced good vision with perceptual comfort. But 20/Happy is now about more than how well someone sees. Today it goes beyond simple acuity, encompassing customer satisfaction and perceived value—two essentials containing latent aspects little appreciated or understood by ECPs. To grasp how this is redefining eyewear value, let’s take a deep dive into what 20/Happy today is all about……”

“Today, eyecare professionals should resist seeing the costs incurred in keeping customers satisfied as a drain on profits. In an increasingly competitive market, any perceived unwillingness to be sympathetic or helpful when consumers ask for assistance will only work against you remaining their “eye guy” or “eye gal.” ECPs should focus on the bigger picture, where clear vision, comfortable fit, contemporary fashion and clearly communicated value all add up to customers staying on the right side of 20/Happy.”


Learn more at http://curemydisorder.com/links/improve-eyesight-tedmaser-site