Herniated Disc Therapy

A herniated disc is caused when the vertebral disc is injured and sticks out to the spinal canal, placing pressure on the nerve roots. The inner component of the disc seeps out and places more pressure on the nerve roots or spinal cord creating acute pain thus indicating the occurrence of the herniated disc. A herniated disc which places pressure upon the sciatic nerve, results in what is termed sciatic pain. This pain is felt from the hip down through the legs.

The herniated disc surgeon should perform a thorough analysis and diagnosis of the exact reasons for one’s herniated disc . The main goal of any herniated disc surgery is to relieve the pressure being placed on the nerve caused by the rupturing of the disc in the spine. The most common surgical approach is a discectomy, or partial discectomy. In most cases of herniated disc surgery, the patient will wake up from the anaesthetic with almost no remaining symptoms of the herniated disc- which is obviously initially a mssive relief. A sometimes more effective and less invasive type of herniated disc surgery is an endoscopic microdiscectomy.

There certainly are a lot of different things that can go wrong with us as individuals. None of us are infallible and we may have problems that range from those that are fairly simple to those that can be life changing. A very common problem that people have to deal with is a herniated disc. There are several different reasons why you may be experiencing a herniated disc. As we get older, our body begins a slow deterioration that we may not be aware of whenever we are younger. This deterioration affects all areas of our body, including the discs that exist between the vertebrae in our spine.

Another symptom that may be experienced from a herniated disc is a problem with your bowel movements or perhaps a bladder problem. Even though this is not directly related to a herniated disc, it could be a condition that is known as Cauda Equina Syndrome. If you have experimented with the more standard herniated disc treatments, and wish to try something new, it may be well worth considering the traditional Chinese therapy of acupuncture.

Acupuncture tends to be even more effective when it is utilized upon the onset of the initial symptoms of a herniated disc such as back spasms and cramps. If the condition of the herniated disc is more severe, often acupuncture will be teamed with traditional Chinese herbal remedies to assist in the recovery process. It is a frightening statistic that more than half of the US adult population experience or are affected by sciatica pain. It is that burning pain from the lower back down to the feet caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve resulting in most instances in a herniated disc.

The human spine is an amazing thing. It is made up of 33 vertebrae, 28 of which move independently of the other. Although five of these vertebrae are fused, the others are separated by intervertebral discs. Because a herniated disc is displaced, it needs to get back into its original position in order for the pain to completely go way. The associated swelling, along with the pressure that is put on the nerves of the spinal column is what really needs the immediate attention.

Read about herbal supplements and also read about natural skin bleaching and natural black hair care

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Stroke Physical Therapy

Of the more than 700,000 people who suffer a stroke each year in the United States, approximately two-thirds will require some sort of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is used to help these individuals become as independent as possible. Many forms of therapy can assist them in their recovery and enable them to achieve the best quality of life.

There are two types of strokes, ischemic and hemorrhagic. An ischemic stroke occurs when brain cells die due to inadequate blood flow, often caused by an artery blockage in the neck or brain. The lack of oxygenated blood that goes to the brain will cause the brain to deteriorate in function, causing your systems to shut down when a cerebrovascular accident happens. A hemorrhagic stroke is a result of a burst blood vessel in the brain that causes bleeding into or around the brain.

How a stroke affects a patient depends on the different parts and amounts of the brain damaged by the stroke. The disabilities caused by stroke vary by individual as a result. In general stroke can cause five types of disabilities: paralysis or problems controlling movement; sensory disturbances including pain; problems using or understanding language; problems with thinking and memory; and emotional disturbances. Motor and sensory impairments can be treated by an experienced physical therapist. Access to physical therapists is no longer limited to physical therapy centers, and patients have a greater variety of options.

Many fitness centers in NC offer the services of experienced physical therapists. Stroke physical therapy often includes exercises to regain the use of stroke-impaired limbs. Several of these exercises can be done at places that also encourage weight loss. NC centers often offer exercise programs including diabetes exercise and stroke physical therapy, as well as Parkinson’s exercises. Careful inspection of a facility’s staff and their ability to perform is suggested prior to committing to a contract.

Some of the skills that you can restore when you undergo stroke physical therapy are walking, grasping, bending, and increased range of motion in stroke-impaired limbs. Physical therapy can also take the form of repetitive motion of affected limbs to encourage brain plasticity. This enables functions that were damaged by the stroke to be taken over by different parts of the brain.

You can recover from stroke, but this will depend upon the many factors that directly affect your condition. How you recover is partially in your control. You can choose an experienced physical therapist and work out a plan for recovery with them. By following the advice of your doctor and therapist, you can rebound from a stroke and lead a quality life.

Steven Harris was diagnosed with diabetes 4 years ago. He follows a careful diabetic exercise program that has helped him keep his condition under control.

Shoulder Rehabilitation – Exercises of Physical Therapy For Full Recovery

A shoulder rehabilitation program is mandatory after arthroscopic surgery or to help the shoulder joint recover faster from injury or common disorders. While playing sports such as tennis, baseball or weight lifting, it is very easy to tear a rotator cuff muscle. Dislocation is also a common injury that requires physical therapy after a period of rest. Least but not last there are common disorders such as Impingement Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder, Tendonitis and Bursitis. The reasons why these may occur can vary from age, weight, physical activity, repetitive motions and so on, but they all benefit from a shoulder rehabilitation protocol based on specific rotator cuff movements.

Rotator cuff exercises differ from common shoulder movements, they are internal and external rotation movements, not over head military presses, which is best not to perform at least until the shoulder joint has sufficiently recovered. These rotation movements are performed without resistance or with a very light one, depending on stage of recovery. For example, following surgery there are 4 different phases to stick to: a passive phase, and active phase, a strengthening phase, and a full recovery phase.

The passive phase is performed by a physical therapist moving the patient arm so as not to strain the rotator cuff tendons and let them heal sufficiently enough to move up to next phase, the active one. As the name implies, the patient can now perform these specific rotation exercises alone while avoiding any added resistance.

Once the rotator cuff tendons and muscles have strengthen enough, light weight or band resistance can be applied to build up strength, range of motion and general mobility. The final phase is geared towards full recovery, strength and flexibility. A similar protocol may follow a tear, while for shoulder disorders these exercises can be implemented faster. Due to the high instability of the shoulder joint, it is common for the rotator cuff to suffer from a variety of conditions and injuries that usually take a long time to heal naturally. Therefore, a shoulder rehabilitation program based on specific rotation exercises for the rotator cuff can and will help recover faster and avoid unnecessary pain and drug dependency. The result is the supple and pain free joint that was meant to be, with a full range of motion.

If you need a professional rotator cuff exercises by a professional therapist, check out this shoulder rehabilitation protocol. There is no need to put up with pain and disability for longer than needed. Click on shoulder rehabilitation now.

Check out this shoulder rehabilitation program.

Shoulder rehabilitation.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment Exercises – Effective Therapy Program for Full Rehabilitation

Frozen shoulder treatment exercises consist of specific rotational movements and stretching to strengthen the rotator cuff and help get rid of the adhesions, the root cause of this disorder. A Frozen Shoulder is medically known as Adhesive Capsulitis in reference to the adhesions of the capsule membrane protecting the rotator cuff, thickened and coarse scarred tissues that physically block arm movements by interfering with the natural shoulder joint mechanics.

Initially, the freezing phase of an Adhesive Capsulitis shows up with the typical symptom to most shoulder disorders: a subtle pain growing into a dull ache with time, particularly at night. However, movement is still possible at this stage, which can last about 6 to 8 weeks. As the disorder progresses, it enters the frozen phase, which can last 1 year and is the most disabling because, while pain subsides, arm movements are severely limited, especially over head, affecting all daily activities and quality of life.

Finally, the disease naturally resolves with a thawing phase which can last also 1 more year. During this time the adhesions naturally loosen up and movement is very slowly recovered, but all together it can be 2 years or more before a Frozen Shoulder has resolved. Normal treatments usually include anti inflammatories, cortisone injections, ultrasounds, hot packs, manipulation and specific frozen shoulder exercises.

It is only the latter that can offer an effective and quick rehabilitation, cutting down recovery times. Drugs and injections are effective at reducing pain and inflammation only temporarily, but they do nothing to tackle the adhesions or to strengthen the rotator cuff, the root cause of the problem. In addition, they lead to a costly dependency, have side effects and are ineffective at cutting recovery times.

Ultrasounds and hot packs are harmless by comparison, they do not have any side effect but are only mildly effective at best and require multiple applications or surgery appointments. Not a very practical solution. On the contrary, manipulation can be effective, though not always, and must be followed by a rehabilitative program soon after. Manipulation is the physical breaking of the adhesions by the surgeon moving the patient arm under general anesthesia, a drastic solution that can be avoided most times.

However, a professionally designed program of frozen shoulder exercises can significantly cut down recovery times by naturally helping the loosening of the adhesions and by strengthening the cuff. This is achieved with the implementation of stretching to be performed daily at home, as consistency is paramount for success. No equipment or resistance is necessary for these exercises that are targeted at recovering full range of motion.

They have nothing to do with gym shoulder exercises and must be designed by a qualified therapist with knowledge of the shoulder mechanics and disorders, not self devised by taking samples here and there, because such a short cut could do more damage than the one is meant to cure.

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Physical Therapy and Leg Exercises after Knee Surgery

Physical Therapy – Excellent way to recover after knee surgery

Knee pain can be caused by several factors – sport injuries, accidents, arthritis, knee joint diseases, slips and falls. Prolonged stress on the knees and joints can lead to chronic pain which often ends in knee surgery. Based on the type of surgery you undergo, the recovery period and the rehabilitation procedure may vary. This article discusses how physical therapy can help patients recover after knee surgery.

Knee pain, if unattended, can lead to serious problems like knee ligament damage, bone bruises, tendinitis, edema, meniscal tears, and much more. Sometimes, these situations may lead to surgery. Physical therapy is considered an active rehabilitation program that can help to manage the pain and reduce the functional disability associated with it

What you can expect from a physical therapy rehab program

No matter what type of knee surgery you undergo, physical therapy rehabilitation offers the right combination of therapies and exercises to help you to return to your normal life. A supervised treatment plan helps you attain the following objectives:

Alleviate the pain in the knee
Improve knee function and achieve improved range of motion
Gain independence
Restore strength and flexibility of knee
Protect against future injuries

Get physical therapy treatment from an expert

Seek physical therapy services from a specialist in the field. An experienced physical therapist can recommend the right exercises to ease your condition.

To speed up the recovery process, it is important to perform physical therapy exercises on a regular basis. They are broadly classified into

Stretching exercises – Simple non-weight bearing exercises are recommended to relax the anterior portion of the leg.
Isometric strengthening exercise –Another important step after knee surgery is to build strength through muscle contraction. This can be achieved with the help of strengthening exercises.
Hip extension exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles.
Quadricep strengthening exercise – The quadricep is the most important knee muscle that helps the correct positioning of the knee cap. To strengthen it, quad sets are performed.

Among the various passive therapies, ice and heat application is considered as the most effective. Prior to the exercise regime, heat and cold packs are used alternatively to relieve pain. Cold packs are not directly applied as this may harm the skin tissue. Instead, a soft towel is kept between the pack and the skin. This reduces inflammation. Heat packs are found highly beneficial to induce vasodilation and it reduces muscle spasm. Moreover, it increases the blood circulation and relaxes the tensed muscles. Maintaining a healthy weight is also crucial to maintaining knee function.

So if you expect to truly gain full movement potential and lead an active life after a knee surgery, then talk to an expert therapist to benefit from these physical therapy and lower extremity exercises.

Knee Pain Treatment Brooklyn – HealthQuest’s physical therapy and leg exercises would ensure that the knee regains its full range of motion.

Manage Neck Pain with Physical Therapy Exercises

Hectic schedules simply lead to long working hours, which, in turn, can lead to health problems eventually. If you are required to sit in the same posture for a lengthy period of time, it can eventually lead to neck pain. Furthermore, it may lead to other chronic lower back problems, which can add pressure on a nerve in the leg causing a herniated disc leg pain. The best way to get rid of these chronic problems is to simply consult the NY Chiropractic experts

Here are a few symptoms of back pain:

Tingling below the knee and weakness in the leg
Chronic lower back pain

Consulting the experts regarding the condition is certainly the biggest requirement as this condition demands immediate medical attention and physical therapy. If you are experiencing one or two of these symptoms, a visit to the New York Physical Therapy experts can prove to be highly effective. Physical Therapy NYC experts can help you improve and restore your physical functionality and your fitness level. The main goal of physical therapy is to make your routine pain free and make your daily tasks and activities easier.

For instance, a person faces problems in performing daily activities such as walking, going up the stairs and getting in and out of bed, regular Manhattan physical therapy can also be very beneficial as it helps in dealing with the condition very effectively. To be precise, physical therapy is a practice by which an individual’s ailing body is simply treated back to normal through a designed set of therapy programs and series of exercise. One can choose one of the best physical therapy New York expert services available to regain full strength. It helps in providing improvement and relief from pain on the vital parts of the body which experienced an illness or an injury.

Here is a list of the specializations of the best physical therapist in NY:

Muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and bones.
Nerves and related muscles
The heart and blood vessels
Lung problems and breathing.
Skin problems, including wounds and burns.
Cancer-related problems.
Treatment for children, older adults, or women.

Physical therapists use a combination of exercises that are meant to relieve pain and boost coordination, strength, endurance and range of motion. Their main aim is to help patients regain lost physical function. Consult the best physical therapist NY for precise treatments caused by injury or disease.

If you are suffering from painful surgeries, contact Active Release Techniques specialists. Get rid of chronic low back pain at Physical Therapy NYC and improve your physical functionality as well as improve fitness level.

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Physical Therapy Exercises for a Fractured Shoulder

The duration of treatment and the type and number of physical therapy exercises for a fractured shoulder would vary depending on the patient’s condition. The procedure for physical therapy rehabilitation and treatment would depend on which bone has been injured. An X-ray may have to be taken to study the condition of the shoulder. The doctor would aim to get the bones into a position that would restore arm movement and encourage healing. A neck of the humerus fracture is typically treated with a shoulder immobilizer or sling. For a fracture of the clavicle, the patient would be required to first wear a sling and strap around the chest to position the clavicle correctly. Once the sling and strap have been removed, exercises can be started.

Shoulder physical therapy exercises are beneficial in the following respects:

• Help to alleviate pain
• Help to restore normal flexibility and motion to the shoulder
• Improve function
• Boost strength of the joint and muscles

Different Exercises that May Help to Heal a Fractured Shoulder

Some of the different exercises that may be adopted in case of a fractured shoulder are described below:

• Initial Exercises – In the initial stages, it is important to minimize chances of further injury and this is what your physical therapist would keep in mind. The duration of the exercise should be limited and be immediately followed by ice packs and elevation of the joint. Depending on whether a surgical setting was required to fix the break, and the seriousness of the fracture, non-weight-bearing, simple movements would be suitable. The important thing is to maintain arm stability at the time of movement. Motion with the injured limb should begin at the shoulder and there should be minimal rotation.

• Stretching Exercises – These physical therapy exercises are directed at fighting stiffness and enhancing range of motion. Stretching is important to restore flexibility to the muscles and joints and to avert the formation of scar tissue.

• Range of motion exercises – If you do not have full range of motion, you will not be able to carry out your routine activities such as combing your hair, scratching your back, or buckling a seat belt. Exercises to improve range of motion help to restore the complete use of the shoulder and arm. This may include actions such as rotation, and exercises to loosen the muscles and improve flexibility, ease pain and improve strength.

• Strengthening Exercises – They help to enhance strength, range of motion, and stamina. They also help to enhance muscle function.

• Rotator Cuff Exercises – The rotator cuff is a set of muscles and tendons that provide for shoulder stability. They also assist with shoulder movements. The rotator cuff muscles (4 in number) are frequently torn or damaged during shoulder injuries. Exercises can restore strength in the rotator cuff.

Apart from exercises, massage is an important treatment performed for a patient as at a physical therapy center. The physical therapist would massage the shoulder to generate circulation and enhance blood flow in the area. Using specialized tools or their hands, these specialists would rhythmically knead, stroke, or rub your shoulder to stimulate nutrient and oxygen delivery. This would help to get rid of lactic acid developing in the shoulder and causing pain and spasms. Massages improve range of motion and elasticity.

To ensure the success of physical therapy exercises and other treatment for your fractured shoulder, it is imperative that the home be organized in such a manner as to minimize exertion of the fractured shoulder. Ideally, materials or goods in the house must be kept at a height that would not require the patient to raise his arm above his head.

HealthQuest is an established physical therapy and rehabilitation center based in Brooklyn, New York City, offering personalized and result-oriented physical therapy and rehabilitation services.

Manage Chronic Low Back Pain through Physical Therapy Exercises

A hectic lifestyle, long working hours or even simply wrong sitting postures have caused chronic back pains for a lot of people. Add to this the possibility that back pain may also lead to other problems—lower back problems adds pressure on a nerve to the leg, causing a herniated disc and leading to leg pains. Symptoms include pain, numbness or tingling below the knee and weakness in the leg. Chronic low back pain in other words, is a serious condition that demands immediate medical attention and has to be treated with the best physical therapy.

If you are suffering from chronic low back pain then, a visit to Physical Therapy New York can prove to be highly effective.

Physical Therapy NYC can help you improve or restore you physical functionality as well as improve your fitness level. The goal of physical therapy is to make your daily tasks and activities easier. For instance, should a person face difficulty in performing activities such as walking, going up the stairs, getting in and out of bed, regular physical therapy will prove to be an effective way by which you can deal with the condition.

In the simplest terms, physical therapy is a practice by which an individual’s ailing body is brought back to health through a designed program and series of exercise. You can choose one of the several New York physical therapy services available to regain full strength and improvement in vital parts of the body after an illness of injury.

What do physical therapists do?

Physical therapists use a combination of exercises that are meant to relieve pain and boost coordination, strength, endurance and range of motion. The aim of physical therapists is to help patients regain lost physical function caused by injury or disease. Specific to lower back pain, physical therapy can prove to be highly beneficial to those who have tested and tried several other alternatives to address this.

When looking for effective Manhattan physical therapy, consider a therapist who is aware and has experience with your health problem. You can look for the physical therapists that are board-certified in areas including orthopedics, sports, geriatrics, and neurology. These professionals can lend more specialized care.

Consider the following specialization when looking for physical therapists:

1. Muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and bones.
2. Nerves and related muscles
3. The heart and blood vessels.
4. Lung problems and breathing.
5. Skin problems, including wounds and burns.
6. Cancer-related problems.
7. Treatment for children, older adults, or women.

If you are suffering from chronic low back pain then Manhattan Physical Therapy can help you improve or restore you physical functionality as well as improve your fitness level. Contact Physical Therapy New York who is aware and has experience with your health problem.

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Does Physical Therapy Exercises Help Relieve Lower Back Pain?

Back pain is a condition that can be debilitating, disrupting your routine functioning. A long duration of back pain can be treated with the help of physical therapy. In fact, there are many specialists that recommend back exercises and therapies that can lead to effective and positive results. Physical therapy treatment encourages the production of your body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals, thereby assisting the body to heal itself.

There are several reasons as to why back pain might occur, and only with a thorough diagnosis of the symptoms, the conditions can be recognized, and proper treatment provided. Physical therapy exercises for back pain provide relief and improve function. Your therapist will also educate you on ways of preventing the recurrence of back pain.

Back Pain Exercises – Active Physical Therapy Treatment

There are different forms of physical therapy recommended for patients with lower back pain, based on the severity of the condition. The ultimate goal of these therapies is to provide the much desired relief from lower back pain. When a person approaches a physical therapy center, the therapist examines his condition, and accordingly recommends the ideal physical therapy treatment.

Depending on the level of pain, the exercises would differ. There are, in fact, several back strengthening exercises recommended by experts. McKenzie exercises and dynamic lumbar stabilization are two important exercises. Apart from that, often a balanced combination of stretching, strengthening, and low impact aerobic exercises can also prove to be effectivephysical therapy programs.

Those suffering from chronic low back pain will surely benefit from physical therapy exercises under the guidance of a trained professional. These exercises are aimed at helping the patient keep the spine in neutral positions when performing routine activities. The physical therapist would instruct you on avoiding activities that exert excessive stress on the lower back.

Gain Relief from Chronic Back Pain

Physical therapy exercises help provide speedy relief from chronic back pain. It improves flexibility, strengthens muscles, and builds endurance. These therapeutic exercises taken regularly will help you move about and engage in your normal physical activities without pain. However, it is important to seek treatment from a reputable pain management center offering the services of trained and experienced physical therapists. You will benefit from personalized service and speedy relief from lower back pain.

Your physical therapist will ensure that you are prescribed the right exercises suitable for your condition. If necessary, the therapist will modify the exercise if necessary. If you are given home exercises, it is important that you tell your therapist at your next appointment how your body has responded to the treatment. Proper communication between patients and their physical therapists is necessary, if the exercises prescribed are to be effective.

Brooklyn Physical Therapy ServicesHealthQuest, a leading multi-specialty healthcare center in Brooklyn, NYC provides result-oriented physical therapy and rehabilitation services.

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Dorn Spinal Therapy – Dorn Method Therapy

Dorn Spinal Therapy – Dorn Method Therapy

Lower back pain can often be related to a simple issue like different long legs. Just imagine you have 2 different long legs. That means that your body has to constantly compensate for that difference, and it does. What happens is that the longer leg constantly pushes against the hip joint and eventually the hip starts moving out of place. That out of place movement can create pain because with the movement of the hip there will follow movement of muscles, evtl. Nerves and even other structures in the lower back and/or spine. And that, as you can imagine, can create a lot of problems.

So, the easiest and most logical step to undertake is trying to position the leg in a way that the joint is connected in its optimal position and the legs are balanced. When that balance is achieved the hip can relax in its original position, so can the related muscles and structures that had been affected by the shift.

Dorn Spinal Therapy offers a number of exercises that help bringing the joints back to their optimal position and one of them is the following which can help you bringing your hip joints back into balance.

Lie down, make sure you are relaxed and as straight as possible.
Bring one of your legs into a 90 degree angle, meaning bending your hip and knee.
If you are working on your right leg use your right hand, place it just under the crease of your buttocks above the legs, also called the knicker line and make sure you have a good grip.
Now pull with your right hand towards your head as if you are trying to pull your leg towards you and at the same time straighten your leg and bring it down to rest. It looks like a bicycle move.
Repeat this step 3 times and then move to the other leg and repeat the whole process.
When you cannot reach your hip joint with your hands you can also use a towel. Just wrap it around your hip joint under the buttocks, hold on to it with both hands and whilst you pull the towel straighten your leg and bring it down.
When they are not causing any problem make sure to repeat those exercises on a daily basis, ideally 2x a day.
Do not sit with crossed legs or in twisted posture like many women tend to do. Always make sure you sit with your feet slightly apart so your body is well supported and always sit straight in front of your object. Be it a person you are talking to, your computer or at meals.
When ever you feel pain doing the exercises stop them immediately. It is not about forcing anything and sometimes these exercises are not right for you.

If you like this exercise and can feel the benefit I can assure you will find many more beneficial exercises in my book Let’s talk back which you can also find on this website. All the exercises are illustrated and easy to repeat. Furthermore you get good advice on what you should watch out for on a daily basis in order to protect your back and get rid of your pain.

For more information on Dorn Method Therapy don’t hesitate to visit us at http://www.backcaresolutions.net and live a pain free life today.

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